1. Crayons

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Evening has always been the favorite part of 5 years old Mina's day. She would patiently wait for the clock to strike 5pm and stand near the garden door of The Kim mansion connecting the staff corner where she lived with her father and mother.

It only took 5 mins for 8 years old Taehyung to come back to the garden door after his tutor left. He would quickly stuff his pant's pocket with candies and take his coloring book along with his crayons and run as soon as clock strikes five. He knew Mina must be waiting for him to open the door and they would sit down and colour the pictures together.

He took a bit more time today as he was almost caught by Mrs Kim.

"Taehyung! Why are you in such a hurry? Where are you going?" said Mrs Kim.

Taehyung usually tries to avoid such confrontations, to be very honest, he is not very good at it but he does not want to reveal his secret escapades which he surely knows will be disliked by his parents.

"Eommmma, act..act..actually..." Little Taehyung was trying to form an immediate lie but he was losing this game and was about to get caught by his mother.

Oh my sweet Guardian Angel please save me from this!

Suddenly, a 13 year old Seokjin came frantically searching for their mother and said, " Eomma! We need to immediately leave for the event with Appa".

Mrs Kim distracted by his beloved eldest son demand, quickly forgot what she was interrogating Taehyung about and left with him.

Taehyung has never felt this relieved ever in his life and secretly prayed to his Guardian angel who always protects him in such scenarios.

Just as she was walking away with Seokjin, Taehyung turned to leave for the garden as well. His Guardian angel must have saved him from lying but his luck angel did not grant him any  good luck today. Mrs Kim turned back and saw Taehyung heading outdoors.

"Taehyung, just stop where you are!"

Taehyung could feel his heart in mouth at that moment. Taehyung stopped and turned back to his mother.

"Taehyung, slow down and go back to your room, okay?. Appa, Eomma and Hyung are going to this charity event and we might return after 9 pm. We all want you to behave like a good boy, okay?" said Mrs Kim.

Mrs Kim called for her housekeeper Mrs Lee to take Taehyung to his room and gave strict instructions to take care of him.

Taehyung nodded his head and started to walk back to his room with Mrs Lee. Though he was to meet Mina, he also knew that for today he needs to to be in his room or else he would be under strict supervision if his parents get to know about his plans.

While walking back, Mrs Lee observed the sad looking boy. By looking at his sad expression, she got reminded of the face of the other child who was waiting for him near the gate. Mrs Lee clearly understands why the Kim's don't want Taehyung to be friends with a child like Mina but it breaks her heart to realize that her daughter will have to live with this comparison through out her life.

Mrs Lee took him to his room and carefully took out his shoes from his feet while he was sitting on the corner his bed. Taehyung was trying to keep his tears from falling but he couldn't break his promise. He never makes one if he can't keep.

"Mrs Lee?" said Taehyung with his eyes full of tears.

"Yes, dear" replied Mrs Lee.

"Can you please give this to Mina? I promised to bring these candies for her today?" said Taehyung with finally tears leaving his eyes and flowing down to his cheeks to his chin.

"Sure dear. You don't need to cry for this. I will convey your difficulties to her today. Oh my sweet child, don't cry" said Mrs Lee.

"No Mrs Lee. I broke my promise today, God will not forgive me!" Taehyung sobbed loudly .

Mrs Lee couldn't see Taehyung crying this badly. It broke her heart to see him going through this. She wanted to take him to the back door where he can be happy but she was binded by orders.

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