Chapter 9 | My Precious

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✧The enticements that makes me see the stars✧

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The enticements that makes me see the stars

🍒•Chapter Nine•🍒

Y/N sat on the couch as she was going through journals "what are you looking at babe?" Jimin invited sitting next to her.

She smiled shoving an apple slice inside his mouth "them for our wedding" she talked exhibiting to him the book.

"This one is really good" he suggested at one of the designs "yeah it is but the color should be pink"

"but I think white will be more adequate for our wedding"

She sighed keeping the book aside and glaring at him "you know I love pink color, I will be already
wearing a white gown now you want me to have the surroundings white as well?"

She folded her arms whilst she dead glared at her fiance "my love I get that pink is your favorite color but we could do that for our reception" he cooed squeezing her cheeks and showing his eye smile to her.

"Nope," she ridiculed glaring at him "I want it pink not white" she argued munching fruits "but baby wedding looks extraordinary when the theme is white" he backfired.

"no way I want it pink!!" she pouted whining "okay okay big baby we will do all pink... Happy?" she nodded her head shyly grinning at him.

"kiss me" she demanded and he chuckled closing the gap between them.

The couple paused their kissing when Jimin's phone commenced ringing "baby work-related" he reasoned attending the call and started talking about things linked to his business.

Just then the bell of the door tingled and Y/N sighed looking at Jimin who still was on the call "I'll open the door" she murmured sighing heavily getting up from the couch and earning her way to the hallway.

The girl unlocked the gate, She had her eyes wide open when she saw who was standing there, and she gulped looking at her.

"what are you doing here mom?!"

Y/N turned around to see a raged Jimin who was glaring at his mother "c-can we talk?" she implored "I have nothing to talk" he gave a talk going inside.

Y/N smiled at her "come inside" she murmured opening the gate further for the latter to step in.


"Why are you here mom? To tell me to leave for America again?! Or maybe some new excuse with your emotional blackmailing!" the furious boy shouted.

"son I am ashamed of what I did in the past but please try understanding me that time I was..."

"no I will not try understanding you because you never tried comprehending your only son!" he cried earning his way to the bedroom upstairs. 

Y/N sat next to the crying lady "you know how his anger is, he will be fine soon" she shook her head.

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