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A captivating day, the weather was steady cold and it was early morning as the birds chirped oh so beautifully whilst the rays of sunshine made it inside the tremendous bedroom through the sheer curtains.

Everything is so amicable so magical.

There was the married couple who were in a deep sleep while embracing one another in their arms. Their breathing getting mixed with one another's

Everything was peaceful until the girl's ear got filled with the loud cries of the baby. She woke up panting heavily and began shaking the boy next to her.

"Jimin wake up" she muttered shaking him "babe
not now we can do it later" he whispered in his shuteye and the girl whack him on his muscular arm.

"wake up you idiot!"

"What happened, babe?"

"Stella is crying bring her to me she must be hungry"

He yawned looking at the monitor screen "Darling I am sleepy and tired please you go" he wailed but gulped when his wife dead glared at him.

"Go. And. Bring. Stella. Now!" the scared boy bobbed his head and got out of the duvet to hurry to the baby room that was a door away from their bedroom.

Y/N turned to peek at the clock "so early morning, I didn't even sleep properly" she groaned pouting.

"Here babe" he muttered passing her the baby and getting under the blanket to sleep again.

"Park Jimin this is Jayce, Stella was crying you asshole!" she yelled when she saw this was their son who was dozing peacefully.

"I didn't see properly in my sleep Y/N" but it was too late as the boy woke up with the sudden noises and began crying as well.

"you idiot" Y/N let out raising her shirt "bring Stella as well" she roared.

Jimin brought their 3-month-old daughter as well who was crying loudly due to her hunger. The boy pouted darting at the two babies getting fed by their mum.

"look at these two, there was a time only I was allowed to touch her there" he mumbled and the girl whack him on his arm.


"what babe it is been a span since we did it, they always begin crying when we are about to have sex"

"Jimin my love you better watch your mouth in front of our kids" she alerted "but my darling don't you miss our you know the 'heated' time together?" he invited and the girl pouted nodding her head.

"that is it we will today have sex" he declared rushing to fetch his mobile phone.

"what are you doing?" she polled "mom was asking for taking her grandchildren for shopping and I think today is the best day"

Same Old Love | P.JM x Reader Where stories live. Discover now