Chapter Two: A Dragon, A Bastard and A Lord

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A/n: Just any FYI the Game of Thrones theme with be the "opening theme" just because it fits well with this book. Also, the tone of this book will be on the darker side since I am using Game of Thrones.


A world map of Remnant shows the four continents of the world and pans to sigil the four great houses: Stark of Atlas with a sigil of a grey direwolf's head facing sinister on a white field and a green base, Lannister of Mistral with a sigil of a golden lion rampant on a crimson field, Baratheon of Vale with a sigil of a crowned black stag salient on a gold field, and Targaryen of Vacuo with the sigil of a red three-headed dragon on a black field.

An army of demonic animals with what appears to be their queen in the background arms wide open like she is unleashing them.

A side view of a man with a can in hand with two other shadows one with large should guards and a mouse/dog/bear creature.

An armored man stands guard with a long sword in hand ready for the hoard of beings white as the snow with weapons of ice in hand.

A man skin as white as snow with a crown made of ice atop his head with eyes blue as sapphires stands with his army of likeminded creatures watching a man and his party battle the undead in the ice and snow.

As the sigils of the four great houses of Remnant close in on a throne made of swords...



Pyrrha Nikos could not believe her eyes the creatures of Grimm which were believed to be mindless beasts were kneeling in a way before this man in strange armor. But she quickly noticed something his armor was full of damage and worn down...which were signs that he is an experienced warrior...

Warrior: ...It's rude to stare you know

Pyrrha: *thoughts* He can see me? I'm at his back so he shouldn't plus I have concealment in this tree

The armored man turns and with him the Grimm turn to face Pyrrha's direction he tilted his head back to look directly at the red-haired girl

Warrior: ...Come out now I don't like being watched

The beowolves growled and barked at Pyrrha showing signs of hostility but the armored man raised his hand, and they backed down but were ready to pounce when given the order...

Pyrrha may be named the "Invincible Girl", but she was severely outnumbered here, and she didn't know what kind of tricks this man had up his sleeve...the odds were not in her favor, so she decides to drop and SOS signal incase anything were to go wrong.

Pyrrha: Ok I'm coming out

Pyrrha jumps out of the tree and lands gracefully on the ground as she stands up the armored man rushed her and grabbed her head Pyrrha could see a blue spirit form of the man without his helmet as he was glaring down upon her

Warrior: Forfeit cín mind! (Sindarin: Forfeit your mind!)

A/n: I plan to include the languages from the Lord of the Rings the language above is Sindarin or "Elvish" it is used by the elves in the third age. Also, when I do these languages, I'll put what language it is.

Pyrrha could feel the man entering her memories and looking through He was copying them. When he released her, she was terrified out of her mind and who wouldn't be this mysterious man rushed Pyrrha faster than the eye can blink and copied her memories, and she was powerless against him.

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