Chapter Five: Proof of Worth

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A world map of Remnant shows the four continents of the world and pans to sigil the four great houses: Stark of Atlas with a sigil of a grey direwolf's head facing sinister on a white field and a green base, Lannister of Mistral with a sigil of a golden lion rampant on a crimson field, Baratheon of Vale with a sigil of a crowned black stag salient on a gold field, and Targaryen of Vacuo with the sigil of a red three-headed dragon on a black field.

An army of demonic animals with what appears to be their queen in the background arms wide open like she is unleashing them.

A side view of a man with a can in hand with two other shadows one with large should guards and a mouse/dog/bear creature.

An armored man stands guard with a long sword in hand ready for the hoard of beings white as the snow with weapons of ice in hand.

A man skin as white as snow with a crown made of ice atop his head with eyes blue as sapphires stands with his army of likeminded creatures watching a man and his party battle the undead in the ice and snow.

As the sigils of the four great houses of Remnant close in on a throne made of swords...



The halls of Beacon Academy were abuzz with the news of what happened earlier in the courtyard with Deanery's dragon and now seeing the man in question being escorted to the colosseum by Professor Glynda Goodwitch and the young prodigy Ruby Rose but one thing was certain about him. He was dangerous.

Ruby: It sure is nice how the other students as making a path for us right Professor?

Glynda: Yes it is [although I don't think it's out of kindness]

A/n: I'm thinking of using brackets [] for thoughts in stead of *thoughts* 

As they reached the colosseum Glynda showed Y/n the men's locker room for him to prepare with the other men while Ruby went into the women's locker room to grab some spare ammo she stored in her locker and much to her surprise she saw her sister Yang.

Ruby: *gasp* Yang!

Ruby ran into the arms of Yang Xiao Long, a beacon of energy and confidence, stood with an air of undeniable charisma.

Her golden hair, vibrant as the sun at its zenith, cascaded down her shoulders in loose waves. The strands framed a face that bore the mark of countless adventures—an ever-present smirk playing upon her lips, hinting at a spirit that thrived on excitement and challenge. Her lilac eyes lit up with joy at the sight of her half sister Ruby. 

Her outfit, a symphony of warm hues, was tailored for both style and combat. A cropped yellow top, snugly embracing her form, revealed a glimpse of sculpted midriff—a testament to her physical prowess. Over her top, she sported a mauve-colored combat skirt, a dynamic and fashionable choice that added a touch of flair to her ensemble.

Yang's long, fingerless gloves adorned her arms, a practical yet stylish accessory that hinted at her close-quarters combat expertise. The gloves seemed to resonate with latent energy, a prelude to the explosive power concealed within. On her feet, she wore knee-high, heeled boots, the soles of which left an echo in the hallways as she navigated the academy with purpose.

Strapped to her wrists, Ember Celica, her signature weapon, waited patiently for the action it was destined to see. The gauntlets, an extension of her own strength, hinted at the explosive power she could unleash with a single punch.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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