Chapter Four: Stars Aligned

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A world map of Remnant shows the four continents of the world and pans to sigil the four great houses: Stark of Atlas with a sigil of a grey direwolf's head facing sinister on a white field and a green base, Lannister of Mistral with a sigil of a golden lion rampant on a crimson field, Baratheon of Vale with a sigil of a crowned black stag salient on a gold field, and Targaryen of Vacuo with the sigil of a red three-headed dragon on a black field.

An army of demonic animals with what appears to be their queen in the background arms wide open like she is unleashing them.

A side view of a man with a can in hand with two other shadows one with large should guards and a mouse/dog/bear creature.

An armored man stands guard with a long sword in hand ready for the hoard of beings white as the snow with weapons of ice in hand.

A man skin as white as snow with a crown made of ice atop his head with eyes blue as sapphires stands with his army of likeminded creatures watching a man and his party battle the undead in the ice and snow.

As the sigils of the four great houses of Remnant close in on a throne made of swords...



The sounds of many footsteps could be heard as the three headmasters plus the crew of Snow Eagle 1 traverse through the halls of Beacon Academy and make their way to the elevator to the headmasters' office. General Ironwood looked to the student amongst them 

Ironwood: We will take it from here Ms. Nikos 

Pyrrha: O-Oh very well General 

Pyrrha looked at the warrior once more before she heads back to her team's dorm; the rest of the group took the elevator up  

As its doors closed with a gentle hiss, sealing the passengers within, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The elevator, adorned with ornate carvings depicting mythical creatures and ancient tales, carried the echoes of bygone ages. As the machinery hummed to life, the elevator began its steady ascent, guided by unseen mechanisms crafted with precision and care. The gentle vibrations reverberated through the walls, a reminder of the hidden forces at work. Soft, warm light emanated from ornate lanterns, casting a comforting glow upon the polished mahogany walls, where tapestries depicted scenes of valor and heroism.

Inside the elevator, the atmosphere was hushed, filled with a quiet reverence befitting the sanctity of the manor. The passengers, their steps muffled by plush carpeting, stood in silent awe, their eyes glancing upwards as the elevator moved higher. They felt a subtle weightlessness, as if they were being lifted not just physically but also transported into a realm of enchantment and mystique.

Jon: Remind me again why their happens to be carpet in an elevator?

Nezu: *lies down* so you can take a nice nap on the long journey up and down 

Jon: Ooookay....

As the elevator continued its ascent, the air grew cooler, carrying a faint scent of the surrounding gardens and the promise of an elevated view. The soft chime of a bell rang, signaling their arrival at the desired floor. The doors, embellished with intricate motifs of elven artistry, opened slowly, revealing a grand hallway adorned with archways, high ceilings, and an expanse of polished marble underfoot.

Stepping out, the passengers were greeted by the sights of the headmasters' office, a sanctum of sagacity and guidance, exuded an air of hallowed academia. It stood as a testament to the revered pursuit of knowledge within the walls of the institution. Stepping into the room, one was enveloped in a sense of time-honored wisdom and studious serenity.

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