Knock Knock.. I'm Sorry..

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Okay, there will be two stories today cause I wanted to share this and also the thing I'm actually supposed to share cause I based this off of my Halloween costume ^^.

Just so you know this isn't really horror, more angst and psychological shit.
idk what else :)

If you for what ever reason don't wanna read this, you can go read the other story that will be up in a bit!
Now on to the story!

Your heart is still pounding in your ears as the ringing worsens with your eyes slowly opening only enough to see blur and ash, as you feel a limp weight fall around your neck. The grip on the back of your shirt loosens, you quickly back away as the weight slumps to the floor.

The ringing slowly fades as it is replaced with screams and cries. Loved ones and even some who you never knew cared for him rushed over to the two of you.

Looking to the ground you see the fallen weight, he was laid effortlessly in front of you, your vision blurred once again, only this time, by the tears welling in your eyes.

Someone runs over to the man and grabs his head and hand, crying, begging for him to be okay.

He's not okay.

"Why did you do it?"

"Why would you do this?"

"How could you do this?"

Questions are shouted behind you as more screams of sadness and terror fill the smoke and debris-filled air.

"He asked me too.." was the only thing you could choke out as you watched whatever life was left in his eyes drain. You study his face noting the dried blood around his mouth and nose, and the dark heavy bags under his eyes.

The man holding on to him sobbed into the crook of the body's neck, you walked up to the two, dropping the sharp blood-stained item in your hand to the floor.

Calmly placing your hand on the weeping man's back, after a few more sobs along with whispers shared to the corpse he pulls away blood staining his shirt as he hugs you tight.

Not wanting to let go again. 

Months after that day you still never forgot it, the look in his eyes during that moment will forever haunt your worst nightmares.

You never truly forgave anyone that day, especially yourself.

Keeping the thing that took him away from you up on display for your eyes to glare at daily.

Voices are heard from outside your door, you set your coffee mug down on the counter and take a peek outside investigating the sudden noise.

A familiar man runs away into the adjacent woods covering his face and leaving another taller figure standing in the snow.

Your eyes widen as you look away from the figure and back at the item which had caused all your guilt.

Only a few moments later a quiet knock makes its way to your ears, gathering your breath and preparing for the cold chill of the wind that will most definitely push its way into your home, you open the door making direct eye contact with the visitor.

Losing all ability to move a single muscle.

Towering over you is the exact mysterious figure from before but this time you noticed their more unique features.

Their gray skin. 

The crusty blue stain that had congealed around his mouth.

Your eyes glance over the same substance that dyed the woolen fabric of their yellow sweater. An ice-cold chill pierces through your spine as your eyes fall heavily on the oozing open wound. 

They have pale eyes and a light smile planted on their face.

It takes everything in your power to not break down right then and there as the other man had.

No father should have to see their son like this,
or live with the burden of taking his life.


-Word count: 549-

Hope you liked this, also if you want try to guess what my costume is :]

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