Is it Cold Outside... (not horror, angst)

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This isn't what I normally write by any means so tell me what you think of it.
Why is this in my Horror shots?
Because I didn't wanna have to make an entirely new book just to share what I wanted to write-
Now without further ado.
This is Quackbur angst because I said so and I live for this shit. You don't have to read it as I said. Now, if you are reading have a fun time and tell me what you think.
Oh and this story thing was inspired by this song-



Ash and debris falls from the sky a gray smoke cloud blocking the sun out, Everyone covered their ears with a few bleeding.

Quackity was shaking covering his ears half assed frantically staring through the smoke in the atmosphere to see what had happened.

It was gone....
It was all gone..

Nothing but a crater remained.
He heard shouting, a familiar shouting.

Looking over to the voice the smoke fading making it easier to identify them.

Wilbur Soot.

Quackity wasn't able to understand what he was saying, but he noticed how he had looked.

Wilbur was shaking holding his chest with a psychotic open mouth grin, his hair looked disheveled and un washed.

There was another person with him... it looked as though they were hugging?
They appeared to be shorter than Wil, they had a green bucket hat on with a green robe like thing.

And he was holding a sword.

// Quackity POV //


Before I could understand what was happening I saw the person holding onto him draw a sword, and before I knew it... stabbed him through the chest.


I imminently ran over to the two pushing past everyone.

The other person had just stood there staring down at him holding onto the blood covered sword not even moving.

I feel to my knees cupping his still warm face leaning over him.

"W..W-il... look at me," I moved his head to better look at him, he has dark heavy purple bags under his eyes and his eyes had a red tint to them.

He just smiled.
"Hi d - duckling.." he choked on some blood that began to fill his mouth.

"You're gonna be okay Wil.. just keep looking at me," I moved his head forward stopping him from choking on the liquid quickly filling his mouth, " Just keep looking at me.. it's all going to be oka-"

"I kn... know darl-ing, you... everyth - ing will be o.kay for you," his eyes began fluttering shut as he just laid there smiling at me.

I could feel the tears fall from my eyes and roll down my face,
"N..NO! I.. I need you- just look at me... WILBUR FUCKING LOOK AT ME."

I shook his head forward and back tears pouring from my eyes landing on his blood stained sweater.

"I'm sor..ry love," he gently held my face with his hand wiping away any tears he could, "you.. you don't need me- you need yours-elf."

"No.. I need you... please- just... look at me, t-ell me what you fe..feel, just keep TA-lking to me pl-please,"
I was choking on my words sobbing holding on tightly to his hand,

"What do you feel amor, the first thing that come to your mind just.. say it, don't stop talking please.."

"I.. I feel.. you, the blood pouring out of me.." (That's what I like started playing :] JUMP IN A CADILAC)

"O..okay just... look at the stars in the big black ink, tell me what you feel and tell me what you think.."

He stared at me narrowing his eyes.

"Is it cold outside?"

I stared into his narrowing eyes.

"Is it cold outside...."

A smile found its way on to his chapped bloody bitten lips, his hand bring mine closer to them.
He left a tender kiss on the back of my hand.

Then his eyes faded to white limping his hand that held mine onto his chest where I felt his heart beat fade...

and fade....

then stop.

I just cried... I couldn't control the tears flowing from my eyes.
I tighten my grip on his hand moving it out of the way allowing my hand to hold his neck, his body was cold and oddly scaly but that didn't stop me from sobbing into the crook of his neck.

"you're... going to b.e o-kay amor..."

I heard something fall to the floor behind me then a hand being placed on my back, I didn't pay mind to it still holding on tightly.

Eventually, I sat up staring at his neck tears still rolling down my face, I felt the hand move from my back to my shoulder and I just cried even more turning to hold onto the person comforting me.


-Word count: 664-

I hope you liked this..
I might do more, probably make it in another book though- (769 nice)
If it wasn't obvious I've never written a fucking Quackbur oneshot-
I've given plenty ideas for them, just never written any so please tell me your thoughts <3
(I'm looking at you. you know who you are <33) 

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