The Duck Plush

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You stand over a casket.
It's a small closed casket, but you don't need to see inside to know who's in there.
A friend you had, the only friend who could make you smile just by being in the room, but you're not smiling right now.

Your dad told you it would get better, and he was right.
For the most part.

You don't eat as often as you did before...
you weren't hungry anyway.

You don't sleep as much anymore...
 but then again who does.

You don't talk as much anymore...
why should you if your only sense of joy is 6 feet under.

After a long, while you smile again, you think about your birthday and all your friends coming over to eat cake, stay up late playing games, and just have company to smile with.

No one comes.

Not like that's a surprise, who would want to spend time with you.
It's almost like they forgot about you like they don't care about you. They could never care about you as much as your friend...

You're sat on your bed crying your eyes out.

You hear a knock at your door and you tell them to come in, it's your brother.
He gives you a poorly wrapped box but you smile at the sight of the only gift you've reserved from someone you care about.

You open the box and stare down at the pretty yellow duck plush squeezed in, a few tears well up in your eyes as you take it out.

You can feel a chill in the air as you pick it up and hold it close to your chest, his favorite animal...

You feel something cold lean on your shoulder, but it doesn't freak you out.
It comforts you in an odd way like your friend isn't as far as you thought...

Not anymore.


-Word Count: 292-

I was at the dentist earlier :D
They thought I had braces, I don't
My teeth are just straighter than me :]

Also, this was kind of based on an rp I did with my friend!

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