So Annoying... - Georgia Stanway

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Reader is Leah Williamson's sister which can get very annoying at times but you love her really.


Yet another England camp where you would get to spend more time with Georgia.

You hated and loved it at the same time because you loved that all three of you could get along with each other but you hated that Leah would constantly be there hanging out while you were trying to have some alone time with your girlfriend which you didn't get very often since she has moved to Bayern, although you did find it incredibly hot when she spoke German or well attempted to.

Currently you were sitting in the passenger's seat of Leah's car heading to the hotel as you and she were with your parents for the last couple of days, so Leah offered to take you to camp.

You reach over and take the aux cable, you put on a playlist that has songs by Ed Sheeran, James Bay, Sam Smith, Dean Lewis and more.

You decided that you wanted to annoy Leah by singing at the top of your lungs while being completely out of tune which made her glare at you and slap your arm playfully.

"Stop, I swear to god! You were put on this earth to give me a headache." Leah complains which makes you gasp in fake hurt. "Hey! You are clearly the more annoying one, at least Mum likes me more!" You say as you playfully slap her back because she slapped you.

"That's bullshit! We all know that she actually likes Georgia more!" Leah says as she laughs at the thought of your own mother liking your girlfriend more than her actual daughters. "That's...not...never mind that is definitely true." You say as you think of Georgia with a lovestruck expression which makes Leah chuckle.

"You really love her, don't you?" Leah says softly as she glances at you curiously. You nod as you think about Georgia and how excited you are to see her after so long.

"Yeah, I really do. It's just hard sometimes, y'know? She is so far away all the time and this is the first time I'm gonna see her in like almost four months. I mean Arsenal have been trying to get me to go on loan or transfer, I don't know whether I should accept or not? We've been together since 2018, I don't see myself with anyone else and I dunno...Leah help me!!!" You ramble as Leah just nods along to what you're saying, she had gotten used to your rambling a long time ago.

"One, just take a deep breath and calm the fuck down. Two, I think you should do it. I know that Arsenal has always been me and you but this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I mean what better way to move clubs than to completely dominate a new league and do it with the love of your life. Three, talk to Georgia." Leah says as she pulls up to the hotel and parks her car.

The both of you get out of the car and get your stuff out of the boot then start heading towards the entrance of the hotel. "Just so you know, I'm proud of you little sis." Leah says while smiling and bringing you into a hug.


After you had taken your stuff into your room, you headed over to Leah's room as you silently hoped that Georgia would be there. Once you got to Leah's room you knocked on the door and waited patiently for her to answer the door.

Instead of Leah answering the door it was Georgia who immediately pulled you into a hug before leaning back slightly and giving you a kiss. "I missed you." She whispered in your ear and hugged you even more tightly. "As much as I missed you too babe, I...uh can't breathe." You stuttered out as she hugged you really tightly, she quickly pulled away which caused you to take a deep breath.

You walked into the room and laid down on Georgia's bed as Leah was laying down on hers. Georgia came over to you and cuddled into you as you played with her hair as it was down for once.

As you looked up you caught Leah's gaze and you nodded towards the door asking her to get out so you can talk to Georgia alone without her here. Leah nodded as she got up and started walking out the room. "I'm gonna go hangout with Keira. Byeee!" She says quite loudly then slams the door shut.

"Babe? Could I talk to you about something?" You say as you continue to run your hands through Georgia's hair and she nodded. "Of course, baby." She says as she moves her head slightly to look up at you but still having your hands run through her hair.

"I'm thinking about moving clubs, more specifically to Bayern..." You say as you wait for her reaction.

Georgia shoots up from her spot on the bed to look at you in the eyes. "OH MY GOD!!! YES!" Georgia shouts excitedly as she tackles you onto your back as you are sitting up and starts planting kisses all over your face. It starts to get a little more heated and one thing led to another... (I'm sure you know what I mean hear)


Waking up to Georgia's hair literally drowning you wasn't the best way to wake up, but you shrugged it off. You kissed her cheek before quickly slipping your England tracksuit back on and writing a note, which says:

My Absolutely Stunning Amazing Girlfriend,

I went to talk to Leah quickly.

I couldn't wake you up, you looked too precious.

From The Love of Your Life


After asking a few different Lionesses you finally found where Leah was. She was on a field that the hotel had for any athletes that came to stay, she was just practising, doing random drills by herself.

You wave at her and motion for her to come over to you, which she does quite quickly actually. "Leah, it worked. Thank you. Looks like I'll be leaving Arsenal in a few weeks." You say while grinning at the thought of playing at the same club as Georgia and actually being able to live together.

"Of course, it did because one of us is clearly smarter than the other." Leah says as she pulls you into a side hug.

"I do have to admit, I'm going to miss you sis." Leah says sadly, for as long as you could both remember you had always played at the same place which may sound annoying to most people, but you and Leah never went anywhere without the other close by.

"I'm gonna miss you too Lee. But hey, you could always come with me to Bayern." You tease her as you know that she would never ever leave Arsenal unless she had absolutely no say in the decision whatsoever.

"Keep dreaming." Leah laughs at you as the both of you sit down on the fake grass and cuddle into one another.

"I love you sis." Leah says as she rests her head on you.

"I love you too, Lee."


After a while of trying to convince Leah to swap rooms with you, you finally get back to the room and see that Georgia is in your hoodie and some pyjama shorts cuddled up in the quilt while watching tiktoks.

You quickly throw on your own pyjamas and crawl into bed behind Georgia. You wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to you and you kiss her neck lightly. "Hey gorgeous." You whisper in her ear as you pull her as close as possible to you.

"Hi baby." Georgia says as she turns around in your arms so she can face you. "I love you." She says as she runs her hand through your hair and pulls you in for a kiss which ended up being a make out session.

"I love you too." You say as you pull away breathless from the kiss and smile lovingly at Georgia.


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