Caught Red Handed PT2 - Alexia Putellas

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This is set in like 2025 and PT1 is set in the last couple months of 2024.

Italics = Spanish


It had been about 8 months since you had moved to Manchester United from Barcelona because Alexia had cheated on you with Jenni who she promised that she was over but apparently she wasn't.

After about a month of moving you eventually deleted all of your social media because every post you would see was about Alexia and Jenni. The posts would also all have hate comments mostly directed towards you saying some disrespectful shit like it was your fault that they broke up to begin with, saying that you had cheated on Alexia and just the usual comments.

It was really bad for you for the first few months but the Man United players had helped you out a lot with just including you in everything, being there when you needed a shoulder to cry on and just being able to talk to them no matter what.

A lot of your old Barca teammates had reached out to you but whenever they asked about you and Alexia, you would just leave them on read and just wait for them to talk about something else. Which made you feel like a dickhead but you just couldn't bring yourself to talk about the situation.

You had grown really close with Mary Earps since joining Man United which surprised a lot of people cause Mary isn't the calmest person and people thought that your personalities may clash but if anything you had somehow made Mary mellow out a bit.

Currently the whole team was on the team bus heading back to the hotel after a defeat. You were cuddling up to Mary who was fast asleep...well until your phone rang rather loudly making a lot of the girls groan in annoyance. "Turn it off..." Mary somehow managed to say in between yawns as she shoves you with her hand.

"Sorry..." You say just loud enough for all your teammates to hear and went to turn off your phone but just as you went to you saw who was calling.

It was sighed before answering the call and you were met by loud sobbing. "Alexia? What's wrong?" You say quite concerned as it was usually a very rare occasion when Alexia cried because she liked keeping it bottled up inside.

"I-i...I don't know what to do. I've torn my ACL again except it's worse than last time, they don't think it's possible that I will be able to play again. I didn't know who else to talk to. Nobody understands like you do." Alexia rants down the phone as you lean back in your seat in complete shock that this had happened to her again. You knew what she went through last time but this felt different like she wasn't going to try, like she had given up already.

"'ve got to try. You're too good of a person and player to give up this easily. You got this!" You say trying your best to put other emotions aside to attempt to cheer Alexia up enough to dig her out of this rough patch.

"I have! I've been doing recovery for the past couple months, Jona just put out that I'm taking some personal time. I think it's time. I'm getting older now, my body isn't doing what I want it to do anymore. I'm going to retire." Alexia says which makes you get goosebumps immediately and cover your mouth in shock causing you fellow teammates to look at you weirdly.

"A-are you sure? It's a huge decision Alexia!" You almost shout down the phone completely forgetting the anger you had for her, you stand up and start pacing in the bus. "Si...I'm sure. I just...needed to talk to you first." Alexia says as she wipes her own tears off her face as she smiles at your concern for her.

"Ale, I'll phone you when I get home okay? Bye!" You say quickly before hanging up and staring at the phone in your hand with complete shock. Mary throws her water bottle at you which makes you glare at her.

"What was all that about?" Mary asks, chuckling at your facial expressions and the fact she had no idea what you were saying when talking on the phone. "It was Alexia. She tore her ACL again but got told she won't be able to play again so she's retiring." You say not really knowing what to do with yourself and a lot of your teammates gasp in surprise.

Alexia had just won her third Ballon D'or this year and everyone thought she had quite a few more years left. I mean jesus she is Alexia Putellas, La Reina of Barca.


You had gotten home a few hours ago and you were trying to think about if you should forgive Alexia or not but you just couldn't. It was more that you didn't really trust her anymore rather than trying to forgive her. It was like she could read your mind because a second later Alexia's name popped up on your phone.

"Let me in." Alexia said as she facetimed you as she stood outside your front door which made you confused but you ran to open it anyway.

"What are you doing here?" You say slightly angry that she thought she could just turn up to your house out of the blue.

"I have an interview in Manchester and thought I should come see you in person." Alexia said nervously as she saw your very angry looking facial expressions and shifted from one foot to another waiting for you to let her in, to get out of the freezing British weather.

You step aside to let Alexia in before closing your door and walking into your living room to sit down so the both of you could talk. "I forgive you...but I don't trust you. We will not be a thing ever again. I won't let my heart get broken by you again. We can be friends and that is it." You say as Alexia sits down beside you on the sofa and then takes a sip of your energy drink which was on the coffee table.

"I understand. What I did was stupid and it shouldn't have happened but it did. I broke everything off with Jenni. I regret what I did but unfortunately I cannot take it back, I would if I could. Thank you for forgiving me. I know I definitely do not deserve it but I appreciate it." Alexia says as she shakily wipes away a few tears that streamed down her face as she caught a glimpse of your face while her head was buried in her hands.

"What are you planning on doing now that you're...retiring?" You ask curiously as you could not picture Alexia just lounging around doing absolutely nothing at all.

"I've been offered a few Head Coach positions for when I retire. It's between Spain, Barca and...uh Arsenal. I've been leaning more towards Spain? Cause Jorge needs to go and the girls deserve to be able to play for their country without getting treated like shit." Alexia rants as you look at her with admiration for the fact she was still thinking about others even when going into retirement.

"Well as one of those girls, I'd love to play for Spain if you were our Head Coach. I think all of the girls would agree with me on that." You said excited that you may play under Alexia for your home country.


It was a month later and you had been called up for camp for Spain by none other than Alexia. To say you were excited was an understatement, you and Ona had been talking about camp for the past week which was very annoying for your Man Utd teammates but they were happy for the both of you at the sametime.

You walked into the training ground you were using and were greeted by Alexia. "Good to see you Coach Putellas!"

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