The Love Of My Life - Pernille Harder

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The Reader has decided to do a Q&A live on Instagram with her girlfriend, Pernille.


You had been doing youtube videos and lives on and off for a good year now, you loved it because it gave you another way to interact with fans. This time you decide to do a Q&A with Pernille, who was actually quite excited to do it.

The both of you were sitting on the sofa in the living room of the house that you shared with each other. You had written a few of the questions on the notes on your phone so you could access them easily and you were gonna get a few questions from people on the livestream as well.

"You ready?" You ask Pernille who nods yes before leaning over and kissing you before you press the go live button on Instagram. You waited a minute or two for people to start joining the live before greeting everyone.

"Hello everyone! I'm sure you're all wondering why me and Pernille are live. We are going to do a Q and A!" You say excitedly as Pernille lent her head against your shoulder while you have your hand resting on her thigh rubbing her leg with your thumb.

"First question. Who is the most messy?" Pernille reads from your phone and laughs before pointing at you. "She is very messy! You left your boots in the hall, they had mud all over them and the floor. She also leaves her clothes everywhere!" Pernille drops you in it as you look at her in disbelief and playfully nudge her.

"Ah hah! Who is the better cook?" You say proudly pointing to yourself because Pernille hated cooking, not that she was bad at it but the both of you preferred when you cooked. "Okay, you are!" Pernille rolls her eyes playfully while laughing at you.

As you lent forward  to try to read some of the questions from the live comment section and Pernille ran her hand up and down your back underneath your t-shirt which caused you to turn towards her. You raise an eyebrow at her actions and pull her towards you by the front of her hoodie, you kiss her then turn back to the camera with a cheeky grin.

"Baby, tell them who asked who to be girlfriends and how. While I go get us some drinks." You stand up from your seat and walk into the kitchen to make Pernille a coffee but you just grab a water for yourself.

As you made Pernille a coffee she told the people watching the live how she asked you to be her girlfriend.

"I asked Y/n to be my girlfriend. We were in Denmark visiting my family and we went on a date while we were there. I just asked her at the end of the date and thankfully she said yes, we are now 8 years strong!" Pernille explained to the fans smiling as she remembers some of the first dates that you ever went on.

Just as Pernille finished answering you came back into the living room and passed her, her coffee. "God, I love you." She says as she takes a sip of her coffee then snuggles into your side.

"I love you too." You chuckle and kiss Pernille's head while smiling.

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