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☎️Y/N POV☎️

Sitting on my bed in my room texting one of my friends from school I hear a knock at the door. I get up walk over to my bedroom door and swing it open. There stands my father not dolled up like he normally is.

"Hello my lovely daughter! Can you do me a favor? I have to go get ready for a shift at the bar, but I'm expecting a call from someone Haruhi is classmates with. I would hate to miss it! Do you think you can answer my phone when he calls? You can tell him I'm unavailable, we can talk at another time." He pleads

I sigh and laugh slightly at his pouting face and nod my head. I take his phone and he excitedly hugs me with a quick thank you and heads to the bathroom to get ready. I enter back into my room and resume the position I was in before, but this time with my dad's phone beside me.

My friend texts me and tells me she has to go because her club activity is coming off of their break. Typically I would be at my archery club, but I injured my shoulder a few days ago and haven't been able to lift it high enough to shoot without any pain or shakiness. We haven't gone to the doctor yet either. I keep insisting I'm fine, and I really am...after a couple of painkillers. I don't think Haruhi and my dad believe me though.

They probably think that I am just refusing to go to the hospital because of my prior experiences with the place. I have been hesitant and I guess almost afraid of the hospital due to my mother. She died of an illness when I was six. I was just old enough to remember most details. My dad took me to see her a couple of times. I wasn't afraid of her, not at all, I felt scared for her.

I was afraid of all of the wires and tubes attached to her. I was afraid of all the medication she had during the few times she was able to come home. All of the pill bottles piling up on the counter and the different things she had to do to make herself feel better. My worst fear isn't the hospital, it's all the medicines that come with going there.

A loud ringing and powerful vibration break through my thoughts. I look at my phone and then at the phone beside me. I pick up my dad's phone, flip it open, and press the answer button before holding it up to my ear.

"Hello Ranka." A male's voice calls out.

"Hi um...this is actually Haruhi's sister, Y/N...uh my dad said to answer the call for him. He's getting ready for work right now. I can relay anything you have to say to him when he is done." I awkwardly say.

"Oh? I believe Ranka has mentioned you before. Well, it is nice to meet you, Ms.Fujioka." He replies cooly

"You can just call me Y/N. I'm not big on formalities. But is there anything you want to tell Ranka?" I ask before immediately whispering "I am so not used to saying my father's stage name."

I hear a short huff of a laugh from the other side of the phone.

"Not really...Y/N. Although I would like to get to know you. Why don't we talk while we wait for your father to finish getting ready?" He asks

"Uh, sure. But you know? I just realized I never got your name." I imply

"My name? Well, I guess you are right. My name is Kyoya Ootori. I am a second-year student at Ouran. Upperclassman and clubmate of your sister. You can call me Kyoya." Kyoya introduces himself.

"It's nice to meet you Kyoya Ootori," I answer, content with that introduction.

☎️A Call Away☎️ Kyoya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now