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☎️Y/N POV☎️

Kyoya and I have been on call now for a little while. After our first call, we exchanged numbers and continued talking here and there. He is a pretty interesting person to converse with. Although he is uptight most of the time he seems to like the host club and all of the goofy members that he talks about. He cares a lot about his friends and it shows.

"So...What are you doing now?" I ask, getting tired of the silence across the call.

Kyoya sometimes goes quiet on call. Most of the time it is because he is doing homework or working on expenses for the host club. Sometimes there is a different occasion.

"Still working on the expenses for another of Tamaki's crazy ideas. He's convinced Haruhi is going to switch schools all because some girls from Lobelia came and talked to her. He is so dense at times." Kyoya sighs exasperated.

"Oh, she mentioned something about some random girls showing up at her school. She didn't mention anything about switching schools though. Also, there is no way Haruhi would go to Lobelia. She would suffer if she was surrounded by so much girly stuff. Besides, we wouldn't be able to afford it anyway. She's going to Ouran on a scholarship for a reason." I laugh.

"Yes, Tamaki truly is an imbecile." Kyoya agrees.

"At least he has you to set him straight. He's lucky." I point out.

"I suppose so..."

The call falls back into silence. I continue to color in a color by number with Sharpie markers as time passes. I can hear Kyoya's occasional huffs of frustration and the scuffling of paper. Sometimes it's nice to just stay on call without talking.

"Hey Y/N?" Haruhi asks as she opens my bedroom door.

"Hm? What's up Haru?" I ask

"Dad wants to know if you need more pain meds for your shoulder. He's about to go out to the store." She states.

"Uh...I think I'm good for now." I respond glancing at the pill bottle on my dresser.

"Ok." She says as she backs out of the room and closes the door.

A beat passes as I stare at the closed door. I move my arm and feel a dull pain in my shoulder.
"You hurt your shoulder?" Kyoya asks from the phone.

"Yeah, I did. I was shooting with my archery team a couple of weeks ago when it started to bug me. I'm fine though. It's probably a pulled muscle or something. It probably doesn't help that I don't try to stretch it." I write it off.

"Hm...Well, I ought to let you know. Some of the other members of our club have been wanting to visit your residence. It's only a matter of time before Tamaki can't hold back anymore. He's getting more antsy by the day." Kyoya comments.

"Thanks for the warning. I'll make sure to stay in my room when you visit." I snicker.

"If only I had the choice to escape that bumbling idiot I would join you." He sighs.

I laugh at his statement. The thought of meeting Kyoya in person is exciting! I might start getting antsy soon too.

"You know, even though I have no clue what you look like or how you are in person I am so excited to see you! Typically I get anxious when I talk to people so this confidence is something new." I cheer

"Really? Usually, I'm not someone people are excited to meet." He says

"That's odd cause you seem like a cool person." I ponder "Still, I'm excited!"

"I am glad that you think so highly of me."

I smile and giggle a bit at his statement. How could someone not like him? He has a cool demeanor and is calm and collected. He is also very intelligent.

"If you find our company enjoyable when Tamaki inevitably decides to visit; you are welcome to visit the host club anytime you would like," Kyoya speaks through the phone.

"Are you sure? I can't just walk into your school," I respond, skeptical.

"Of course you could. One of us will most likely have to send for you, but you will be able to."

"I'll think about it."

The call goes silent once more and I continue to color. I begin to feel a bite of pain in my affected shoulder. I stop for a moment contemplating stretching my shoulder. I slowly move it up and stop roughly halfway. I grimace and try to rotate it in a circle. As I lift it higher my shoulder begins to feel tight with pain and then it pops.

I gasp at the pain and immediately lower my arm causing it to make a cracking sound. In even more pain than before I hold my arm close to my side. A couple of tears leave my eyes and I bite my lip trying to distract myself from the pain in my shoulder.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Kyoya asks

"Uh...Yeah...yeah. I just...uh, stretched my shoulder and I think I worsened the pulled muscle." I shakily let out.

"Hm, if it still hurts when we visit I will look at it for you."

"It's not that big of a deal! Don't worry about it! Like I said, probably just a pulled muscle."

If he finds something is severely wrong with my shoulder he will tell Haruhi and my dad about it! Then, they will force me to the hospital and I'll be pumped up with pain meds and all these other medicines. I...I don't want that. I guess my real fear is the thought of so much medicine. Not hospitals. One bottle of pain medicine is all I need.  I just hope there isn't something wrong with my shoulder.

"Hey Y/N can you come help me with making dinner?" Haruhi asks from my bedroom door.

"Yeah, I can. I'll be there in a second." I respond


Once she leaves I turn to my phone and pick it up off of my comforter.

"Hey, Kyoya I have to go," I say.

"Okay, I will talk with you soon." He bids me goodbye.

"Okie dokie, talk to you later. Have a good night Kyoya."

"The same to you Y/N, goodnight."

I end the call and throw my phone onto my pillow. I move my coloring sheets and coloring utensils onto my dresser. I glance at the pills and think for a moment. I had two pills only a couple of hours ago, but my shoulder still hurts. Maybe, just one more will make it not hurt as much anymore.

I decided to take two more pills.

"Hey Haruhi, can you tell Dad to get me some more pain meds."



☎️A Call Away☎️ Kyoya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now