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☎️Y/N POV☎️

You'd think the host club would leave my sister alone on the weekends. Y'know way outside club hours? But, no, they won't. Instead, they are causing a ruckus by showing up in a fancy ass limo in front of our apartment building.

Haruhi is going to be pissed.

I watch from the window as people gawk at the fancy car. The people from our apartment building crowd the boys who have stepped out of the limousine. I can hear the commotion as people ask them questions and speculate about their reason for being here. I even see our landlady fretting about the ruckus.

And there is Haruhi.

I watch as she talks with our landlady very obviously ticked off at the boys' sudden appearance. But can we really call it sudden? It was bound to happen eventually. I mean Kyoya did warn me that it would happen soon enough. Haruhi walks up to the boys and they talk briefly before she starts dragging them up to our apartment. I take this as my cue to retreat to my room.

I listen from my bed as the door to our apartment opens and chaos ensues. Very quickly getting annoyed with the noise I put on my headphones and pick a playlist on my iPod. I let the music drown out the sounds of chaos that are seeping through the crack under my door. I close my eyes and relish the sounds of my favorite artist.

I feel a tap on my good shoulder so I open my eyes and look for the source. Haruhi stands at my bedside with a pleading look on her face. I only smile at her as if to say "Sorry, you're on your own. Not my circus, not my monkeys." She gives me a look of exasperation before walking out of my room and shutting the door. I hear her say something along the lines of 'She's sleeping' and 'I'm going to make tea' as I put my headphones back on.

A short amount of time passes before I feel the vibrations of a harsh thud.

I take off my headphones and listen for a brief moment before realizing my father is home. More chaos ensues as I hear a male's voice screaming about tea followed by my father's angry voice. I then hear yelps of pain overlapped by two unison friendly voices. Just as I hear the male's voice again yelling something about 'caring' for someone I put my headphones back on and drown out the noise.

I feel a tap on my bad shoulder and look up to see Haruhi. She gives me a pointed look but I go back to closing my eyes, ignoring my surroundings and the dull pain in my shoulder. She lifts my headphone and tells me to "Come out of my cave," but I continue to ignore her. Finally she has enough and drags me by the collar out of my bedroom. I throw my headphones and iPod on my bed as I dragged away. Haruhi sits me in between herself and our father.

"I get it! You must be the host club I've heard so much about. You certainly are a fine looking bunch of young men. I'm not sure which of you I like best. What about you dear? I tell you what, why don't you boys go ahead and call me Ranka. That's the professional name I use at the transvestite bar I work at," My father spouts.

He just doesn't shut up does he. I love my father, but oh my god.

"A professional name? You mean like a stage name?" A small boy asks.

"Exactly like that Mitsukuni!" my father answers.

"Hold on! How did you know my name sir?" asks confused.

My father hmphs before going on a long tangent about every member of the host club. I listen trying to connect the dots, and find out which one is Kyoya.

"You two are third years, Mitskuni Haninozuka and Takashi Morinozuka."

Oh, so the silent one who does kendo and cares for 'Honey'. Then the boy lolita one who likes sweets and cute things.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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