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I remained standing in the basement, now wishing I had made myself up some sort of mixed drink before heading down here. I knew that two shots was not going to cut it for me and I didn't plan on heading back upstairs just yet.

I had moved myself over near one of the side walls, careful not to be in the way of people going up or down the stairs.

As if my inner thoughts were displayed above my head for everyone in the room to see, I felt a hand be gently placed on my back. I turned around expecting it to be Luke, but was surprised to meet the eyes of Ashton who was now beside me.

"Here," he said directly into my ear so I could hear him over the music that was definitely going to give me tinnitus if I stayed down here for too long. I looked down towards his hands to see that he was handing me an unopened can of beer.

"Oh, thanks." I grabbed the can from his hand, cracking it open instantly and taking a sip, trying desperately not to immediately puke at how disgusting the taste of it was.

I noticed that he didn't have anything to drink himself.

"Nothing for you?" I asked, signaling towards his now empty hands.

"I don't drink," he answered. "I'm more of a weed guy nowadays." He was staring intently out at the crowd of people that were crammed into his basement.

"Me too," I replied, also staring out at everyone. The shirtless guy remained on top of the table, now swinging his shirt around in the air since handing the microphone off to someone else.

"So why are you drinking then?" His question taking me slightly off guard before realizing he mistook my words.

"Oh... Well, I mean... I do drink, just not often," I spoke, clarifying my statement from before. "A social drinker I suppose... I prefer weed."

I took a good look at him being careful not to make it obvious. He was shorter than Luke, not by too much though. His arms were long and muscular, a few tattoos on them. I couldn't look long before cheering erupted from the group of people as the next song came blaring through the large speakers that were set up against the wall. Hanging from the ceiling above them were lights similar to ones you'd find at a small concert venue. The set up and atmosphere of his basement very closely resembled a bar.

Wanna get a mansion, a jacuzzi
A theater to watch my movies
Couple whips and lots of fancy things
The kids they call the Goonies
I see the future, crystal ball
Mirror, mirror hanging on the wall
Who the flyest white boy of them all?

I quietly hummed along to the Mac Miller song that was playing.

"Where'd Luke run off to?" He questioned, pulling my focus away from the song that played.

"Bathroom... He's probably looking for me by now though." I took another sip from the can. I hoped that he was looking for me by now. It had been well over five minutes since he left at this point. "Are you guys close friends?"

He was now staring directly at me again. His eyes burning almost straight through me. Even in the mostly dark room and through the flashing lights I could tell his eyes were glossy and slightly red, most likely from his high.

"He's one of my closest friends." His tone was serious, and the more I looked at him I noticed how exhausted he seemed. "He's a really great guy."

"I've picked up on that." I played with the tab of my can, twisting it back and forth and being careful not to break it off. His response put a bad taste in my mouth. Not because of Luke, but because things about this friend group weren't necessarily adding up. Especially considering when Luke invited me to come he referred to Ashton as Trevor's friend.

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