Breathe just breathe

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I hope y'all loved that first chap!!

this dialogue is made up and was not in criminal minds, but it was really fun to write :))

whoever pov it is the (parenthesis) are their thoughts

TW: case detail


y/n's pov:

(Well here goes nothing)

As I walk through the door my nerves hit me like a bus again, but I just took a deep breath. Thats when I felt a hand on my shoulder it startled me a bit, when I looked to see who's it was I recognized it was the man that called out my number. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he said to me "Oh, no its okay. Just not used to someone putting their hand on my shoulder, thats all" (why did i just say that) "No i totally get that" he said to me with a genuine smile. We stood in awkward silence for a while before he talked again "So, um I don't want to make you more nervous but i have to inform you that there is someone from the Criminal minds cast here" he told me in one breath like he was hoping I wouldn't hear him. Once he said that, my jaw dropped "Wha- Who- Why- I- I don't know if I can do this anymore" I started to freak out and I tried to leave but then thats when I heard. "Max, hurry up!! we have auditions to conduct here and I don't have all day" a woman said from another room, "Yes ma'am, sorry". The man then turned to me and said "Well let's get you in there shall we?" (just breathe y/n) I took another deep breath and said "Yeah, let's do this!!"

I walked into the room where the auditions were being held, preparing myself for whoever I would see form the cast. Once I built up the courage to pick my eyes off the floor and see who it was, I froze in place, (OF FREAKING COURSE IT HAS TO BE PAGET BREWSTER, MY LITERAL IDOL) I was in a state of shock, my eyes were wide, my jaw was dropped, I honestly think I stopped breathing for a second. I must have been standing there for a while cause I didn't even realize Paget had walked up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder, "Hey, honey. are you okay?" she asked me (OH I'M MORE THAN OKAY) I cleared my throat and said "Actually i'm more than okay, I just can't believe that i'm standing in front of my literal idol" I say, surprised i didn't stutter "Wow, I didn't know I meant that much to you" she said to me with a big smile on her face (ARE YOU KIDDING ME) "Yes you do, I love you so much and can't believe i'm about to do this right now" I told her trying not to cry "Well what are we waiting for let get this audition rollin" she said to the people sitting at the desk.

"Okay so let's start this shall we?" a lady from behind the table says "We shall" Paget says in a funny accent that makes me chuckle "Yeah, let do it" I say with a smile on my face. "So obviously Paget will be reading the role of Prentiss, and you y/n will be reading the role of Sage, got it?" the lady says "got it" I reply, "And..ACTION"

[start of the scene]
*Emily and JJ are walking into an house with there guns raised*




Emily *nods her head at the door to Derek*

Derek: *nods and kicks the door open*

*The three split up once in the house and emily goes into the kitchen where she finds a basement door*

Emily: *says into her vest* I'm going into the basement

JJ&Derek: Be careful em

*Emily walks down into the basement and sees a 15 year old girl curled up into a ball in the corner of the room*

Emily: Hi sweetie, my name is emily what's yours

Sage: s- sage

Emily: Thats such a beautiful name, come here *stretches her arms out to Sage* i'm not going to hurt you, I promise.

Sage: Is the man gone *said in a whisper*

*In emily's earpiece she can hear Derek say they got him*

Emily: Yes sweetheart, he's gone

Sage: *gets up and walks over to emily then breaks down crying in her arms*

Emily: *rubbing her back repeating over and over* Its okay, i've got you, you're safe now"
[end of scene]

"AND CUT" the woman says to us, "y/n you are a natural" the woman tells me with a smile on her face "Wow really?" I ask her in disbelief, "Yeah kid, you've got some serious talent" Paget says to me with a huge smile, I let out a chuckle still in disbelief of what just happened. "Well here's the number to be on the look out for" the woman tells me as she gives me a piece of paper. Before i left the room I stopped and said "I just wanted to say thank you so much for this opportunity I'm so very grateful" then I turned to Paget "And Paget I just want to thank you for being you cause without you I don't think I would be standing here right now" I say as my voice breaks a little but I clear my throat to cover it up. " That's so sweet of you to say y/n" Paget responded.

We stand in a comfortable silence for a little while before someone speaks, "We will get back to you maybe sometime tomorrow" a man tells me from the other end of the table "Sounds great" I say as I gather my things to leave, "Hey y/n?" I hear my name and turn to look where it came from, and to my surprise it was Paget calling my name.

Pagets pov:

"Hey y/n?" I called out to her "Yeah" she said with a beautiful smile, "I just wanted to tell you that you should be proud cause i'm pretty sure you nailed that part" I told her honestly "No way THE Paget Brewster just told me that" she said "Yes i did just say that, so hopefully I will see you on the set soon" I responded "Yes I truly hope so" she says. As y/n was walking away I saw that her smile had faded and she looked very down and disappointed to wherever her next destination was. After I watched her leave the building i went back into the audition area to discuss all of the auditions we've done so far, which would be hundreds, "Its her" Lisa said pointing at a piece of paper "Defiantly" Jacob said, "What do you think PB?" Lisa asked me while holding up the piece of paper "Yes, yes, 1,000 times yes" I say with excitement and relief and a huge smile, thats when i get an idea. "Hey do you guys mind if I gave her the call?" I ask hoping they say yes, "Yeah sure that will be fine just do it tomorrow like at noon" Lisa told me "Okay perfect" I say.

When I got home that evening i couldn't stop thinking about y/n, she was the sweetest 15 year old i've ever seen, I've never though about having kids of my own but when i saw y/n today something changed in me, I cannot wait to give her that call tomorrow. I only hope i can have a kid like her some day.

A/N: okay idk how i feel about this chapter but anyways I hope y'all are enjoying so far ~ chris<3

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