I will always be here for you

591 13 11

time to see what paget and y/n talk about during their lunch together....

parenthesis are the thoughts of whoevers pov it is

TW: talking about trauma, mention of self harm, slight cussing



As we were walking back to Pagets trailer we started naming different places and foods. "what do you feel like eating sweetie?" Paget asked me "I'd would really rather you pick because I want to know what is your favorite is" I responded with a smile "Well then if i'm going to be completely honest with you i'd 100% rather cook then eat out at a restaurant or fast food place, and since we aren't at my house right now how about you pick" Paget answered honestly "Oh well umm if its okay with you I kinda want sushi" I said nervously "Yeah we can do that, I haven't eaten sushi in so long" she said to me with a chuckle "I will call my driver to go pick it up, what do you want?" "Can I get a California roll please and one of those Ramune Japanese sodas" I said to her with a little smile "Sure whatever you want hun" she said with a genuine smile as she dialed her drivers number.

While we waited for Pagets driver, she sat at her desk and went over her lines and I sat on her couch and scrolled through my phone. After about 5 minuets I heard Pagets phone buss and I hoped it was her driver cause I was starving, she looked at her phone and picked it up and answered it, she kinda looked disappointed when she turned to look at me, "He said that traffic is crazy that he should be here in 20 minutes" she said with a little pout "oh thats okay" I said with a smile "god i'm starving" she said as she threw her head back "me too" I answered.


After Paget heard those three knocks she got up from her seat as fast as she could and opened the door to who I only assumed to be her driver. "Thank you Steven" she said with a big smile, she came over to where I was sitting with our food and sat right next to me and started to pull out our food, as she handed me my food and my drink she said "so, when I introduced you to the rest of the cast I could tell that you where cutting your answers short" "wow those profiling skills from Prentiss are sure rubbing off on you" I reply with a nervous chuckle because she was right "y/n I want you to be comfortable around me I want you to know that just because we just met doesn't mean you can't trust me, you can tell me anything you want, now we are going to have a little conversation like we are meeting for the first time and I want you to answer the questions I ask you honestly don't leave any details out okay honey" Paget told with the most sweetest smile and genuine tone in her voice "yeah, I think I can do that" I say with a nervous smile. "okay, lets start" she says with a smile.

"Hi, my name is Paget Brewster, what is yours?" Paget asks me as she extends her hand for me to shake "Hi Paget, my name is y/n y/l/n" I say with a smile as I take her hand and shake it. "okay y/n, thats such a beautiful name" she says as she starts to eat her food "thank you" "Okay i'm getting bored with the small talk so i'm going to ask the question you avoided answering when we were with the cast, is that okay with you love?" she asks me with smile "yeah, its okay" I answer her a little confused as to what she means cause I avoided a lot of questions the cast asked me. "How is your home life?" once I heard her ask me that I froze and I quickly shoved a piece of my sushi in my mouth trying to avoid the question again "y/n you can trust me, why are you avoiding the question?" she asked me with a concerned look on her face, I looked her straight in the eye and let out a shaky breath, I cleared my throat before answering her "the reason I avoid that question is because its not the best and I don't want people to judge me based on the way I live" after I said that Paget looked at me with concern and worry in her eyes "you know you can trust me y/n with anything, I promise what ever you say is safe with me" she said to me honestly "I know I know I can, its just I don't want you to think any different of me" I say as I start to feel the tears form in my eyes.

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