The Letter

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trying out a new way of writing, hopefully its not too confusing.. anyways, i need to work on updating better.. but i hope y'all are enjoying so far <3

anything in parenthesis is the thoughts of whoever pov it is in.

*not proof read, sorry for any misspellings*

TW: some cussing, homophobia


Y/n's POV:

After about a 30 minute drive, you finally arrived at your house.

"Here we are miss y/l/n" steven says

"Oh, thank you steven" I respond with a smile

As I was opening the door to get out of the car, steven stops me and says. "Have a great rest of your night miss y/l/n, see you on wednesday" he tells me with a genuine smile on his face. "Thank you steven, you too. See you soon" I tell him as I put my bag on my shoulder closing the door of the car and starting head towards the front door of my house.

Walking up the steps towards the door, I felt a sense of relief seeing that no lights were on in the house. Putting my key into the lock and turning it as quietly as i could the worst thing that could have happened occurred. A light turned on.

"Where where you young lady?" my dad asks from behind me, I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. "nowhere" I deadpan "Don't give me that shit, who is he?" my dad asks me in a disgusted tone "Who said its a he?" I snapped, not thinking about what I said until it was out in the air. "What the fuck did you just say" he says as she gets up from where he was sitting on the couch and squints his eyes at me. I panicked not knowing what to say, but then suddenly I felt a boldness rush through my body "I said what makes you assume its a he, why not a her?" I respond angrily "I know damn well you are not telling me that you are one of those disgusting sinners" he replies. "Thats- you know what, i'm not doing this" I say fed up with the conversation (I just wish I was back at the trailer with paget instead of here) I start to walk towards the stairs just wanting to be by myself. "Don't think we are done here young lady, I am going to call the pastor tomorrow and discuss these disgusting actions of yours" My dad tells me and I start to feel the tears form in my eyes, but I try my best to hide them. "You go ahead and do that, as if i'm really going to listen to anything you or the pastor says" once I said that I knew I fucked up "If you don't want any help with this disease you have I hope you have fun when you're burning in hell" he says with a scoff as if he's not talking to his own daughter "I will see you there" I mumble as I run up the stairs and head towards my room.

As mad as I was I knew I couldn't slam my door because I would just start another argument with my parents and I really didn't need that right now. Once my door is closed I put my back against it and slid down the door letting out the tears I held in before, I noticed I still had my bag on, so I took it off and threw it across my room. As I threw my bag I noticed a white envelope come out, I was confused because I didn't remember putting an envelope in my bag. I got up from where I was sitting wiping my tear stained cheeks and went to pick it up off the floor turning it around thats when I saw "y/n" on the front of the envelope but I didn't recognize the handwriting. Opening the envelope and pulling the folded paper out of it I found out who wrote the mystery letter.

Pagets POV:

Its the morning of what y/n thinks is her first day on set, I kinda feel bad for lying to her but I just want to make sure that when it is actually her first day that she is comfortable navigating around and not nervous around the cast.

"I don't know what it is but I just fell this strong connection with this girl, and I only met her once. Is that weird?" I ask my best friend AJ, she always came to my house before we had to be on set for coffee and sometimes breakfast if I felt like cooking something, but today we just settled on some muffins I bought yesterday. "If I'm being honest, it does sound a little weird but you might be feeling that way for a reason, maybe she is going to play a big part in your life, who knows?" AJ tells me with a smile on her face "I don't know, when she walked into that audition room, the way she looked at me, it was surreal" I say with a chuckle, AJ comes over to where I am sitting and puts her hand on my shoulder and gives me a tight lipped smile "Listen, as your best friend it is my job to let you know when you sound crazy, and right now is not one of those moments, the way you are talking about this girl is how I talked about Mekhai when I had him, get to know her more. Maybe you will become a mom after all" she tells me slightly raising her eyebrow and giving me a tight lipped smile.

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