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The night was misty in New Orleans, Louisiana. The two tall men walked side by side and watched the people rushed by them to get away from the freezing cold. 

"You're rather quiet tonight." Rysand said, his gruff voice disturbing the peace they've created. Arlo stuffed his hand into his trousers as they neared their gate.

"Just thinking, Ry. You know The Academy doesn't sit well with me after a meeting with them." He said softly. His voice soft, a complete opposite of Rysands gruff one. Rysand hummed as they came to a stop.

Arlo hit the intercom and waited for the gates to slide open. "What troubles you, my love." Rysand asked. He eyed the man who's been by him since the beginning of their eternal life together. Arlo's midnight hair almost blended into the night but you could still see it due to its shine. It was pulled back and stopped below his shoulder blades. His side profile was just as beautiful as his energy he carried around.

Arlo sighed, "I don't like the fact that the Academy thinks they can just tell us what to do when in reality we rule over them." He said darkly. Ry loved when his partner talked like this. It sent a thrill down his spine.

"It seems they need a little reminder don't you think?" Rysand smirked darkly as they finally walked through the open gates. It was a quick quiet stroll before they stopped altogether. They listened a little more to confirm what they were hearing.

Arlo tilted his head. "Do you hear that?" He asked softly. Rysand listened harder. A heartbeat and a soft suckle noise? He frowned. "A heartbeat." Arlo finished. He walked ahead quickly. Rysand paused for a moment and looked around.

No one would've been able to get in. Both Arlo and Rysand called earlier to let the staff know we were coming home around this time. The gates are pretty high, so no one could climb them. Rysand listened a little more.


Arlo walked closer towards the porch in front of the door. A deep red basket, big enough to carry lots of things, sat still. There were pink blankets bundled inside. A soft gurgling sound came from it.

Gasping softly before reaching inside. A beautiful baby was sleeping soundly and mindlessly sucking on a pacifier. Arlo gently picked her up and held her close to his cold body. Making sure her skin didn't touch his so she wouldn't catch a chill.

"Arlo, what are you doing?! Put her down." Rysand whispered yelled. Arlo gently rocked her before glancing at the basket and noticed an envelope.

"Read the note." He said. When Rysand didn't move Arlo turned a glare his way. Rysand sighed irritably before reaching for it. He opened and read aloud.

"I'm sorry. Her name Vanessa. She's a month old. Take good care of her." Rysand turned it over in frantic moves. There's absolutely no way someone would leave a baby on their doorstep.

"Arlo, we can't keep her. Not only are we different from her but the academy will have our heads." He said trying to reason with him. Arlo looked at him.

"We can handle the Academy and we satisfied our thirst for humans a long time ago. You know this." He said.

"We need to take her to a hospital or an orphanage." Arlo shook his head before he could finish.

"No. Just let her stay for a while. Then we can take her to an orphanage in the morning." He said pleadingly. Rysand sighed. It is starting to get cold and also it's late so she could probably stay for one night.

"Fine. One night then we have to take her to an orphanage." Rysand said sternly. They both walked inside and was greeted by their head maid, Darota.

"Darota, please take her and put her in our best room. She's already sleeping, let's keep it that way please." Arlo said softly. Darota's face never changed as she took the baby from him and headed upstairs.

Little did they know they were in for ride with the little one they brought home.

Venessa at 6 years old

"Venessa, come down for dinner please." Darota said, standing behind her. Venessa was currently doodling in her journal. She looked up, her pitch black eyes shining brightly.

"Will Mr. Arlo and Mr. Rysand be there?" She asked excitedly. The pair have had dinner with her since she could remember but these past few months they haven't been showing up due to work, which Venessa didn't understand.

Darota's stone face softens a little. "I'm sorry Ms, not tonight. But they send their apologies and said you could have ice cream for dessert." Although she was saddened that she wouldn't be seeing them, she was excited about the ice cream she rarely gets to have. She jumped up and Darota led her downstairs by her hand.

Venessa at 15 years old

"But my birthday is tomorrow Arlo. You and Rysand promised you would be here for my 16th birthday. Please don't tell me you aren't coming home again." I said pleading into the phone.

I was wringing my school skirt in my hands. I was pulled out of class by the office and was told I had a call from my guardian that was rather important. Being told that the only two people who mattered the most in my world are not coming to my party is rather an important call.

"I'm sorry, my love. We just can't get away from work. Darota will take you shopping, you can get whatever you want." He said softly.

Tears built up in my eyes and held a manicured hand to my eyes. "I wanted you guys to be here. That's what I wanted." I said before hanging up. I took a deep breath before straightening.

I turned to see the administrator was standing at the top of the steps with a soft smile on her face. I was far enough so she couldn't hear my conversation. I walked towards her and smiled.

"I'm ready to go back." I said to her. She smiled before leading me back in with a swollen face and puffy eyes.

I was heart broken.

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