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My body jerked. My eyes flew open as they looked around the unfamiliar room. Why was my ceiling extremely high? And where is my cream and pink curtains hanging over my bed. I liked to wake up like princess because I am one.

"Mmm." I whined a little before turning from my back to my side. My tightened my hand around something extremely hard and cold. It was quite nice.

"I don't remember her ever sleeping this hard. Have you?" A voice vibrated from beside me. What? Okay I'm extremely confused and tired but that sounds like they are right next to me.

"Mmm no. Or whiny. Her snores I do remember. I forgot how cute they were." A voice whispered in my ear.

I lifted my head to see Arlos head hovering over mine. I'm so confused and half asleep.

"Am I dreaming?" I whispered. He smiled his fangs glistening.

"No." He mocked whispered back at me. My head fell back down onto the pillow. "I must be because last I check. You both were still away." I said my mind starting to go ease back into sleep.

"No my love." Fingers lightly tapped my cheek. I whined.

"Darota. Please 10 more minutes. Just...10 maybe 20." I mumbled before snuggling into whatever I was cuddling. It's so cold it feels so nice.

"No, up you go!" I was lifted out of the bed. I groaned in annoyance. I hate vampires. I stood up, grabbed the clothes, and headed for the bathroom.

"When you change, don't tuck anything in or anything. Leave it be and come straight back out here." Rysand said. Yeah yeah.

Throwing the clothes onto the countertop, I paused and looked in the mirror. My long brown hair was still long and shiny but something is different. I eyed myself.

Leaning closer to the mirror I touched my under eye and pulled. My eyes, they are lighter than normal. Maybe it's from the trick of the light. But other than that nothing seems out of the ordinary.

I undressed and grabbed the uniform. Ew, what are we in? Some kind of 1960 horror film? The uniform was a traditional skirt and button down top but the colors were a muted grey and black. I'm assuming those were the colors of the school. I am so talking to them about this monstrous (no pun intended) dress code.

Pulling on the skirt, it stopped just above the knee, but seeing as it was pleated it wasn't that bad. That or I just make anything work. I grabbed the top, it was a plain white button up, but the collard sweater was a muted gray with the schools name embroidered on the top of the left.

After putting it on I stared at myself. Why are the color gods punishing me? I groaned and stomped to the door.

Walking outside Rysand was waiting for me in the middle of the room. He was still in his pajamas, which consisted of plain black joggers and a regular tee. But he still looked like he just stepped out of catalogue. His blonde hair was pulled into a bun. I almost bit my fist. Why is he so fine. Down girl, down.

He was holding a long pair of socks, a bow in one hand, and something was clutched in the other. He motioned for me to come and pointed in front of him. That was kind of hot. I made my way towards him.

"Can we talk about this uniform?" I asked. He sighed and looked up as if asking for patience. Oh yeah. Get ready.

"No Vanessa." Grabbing the bottom of my shirt. He got busy.

"I think." He growled. "No seriously. When was the last time you updated your uniforms for this place?" I said raising a brow.

He hummed as his fingers dipped my button up into skirt. "I am not certain but if I remember...1904?" He said as he stepped back and looked me over. My jaw dropped.

Marked                      (Book 1 of the Royal Monsters)Where stories live. Discover now