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"Ms. Bloom, now this is absolutely ridiculous "

I was staring at the face of Headmaster Quin Lock. She was in her mid forty's with sandy blond hair pulled into the tightest bun I have ever seen. Her eyes were piercing Saphire blue that looked to wanting to bury me 12 ft deep.

I sat waiting outside waiting for her for 30 minutes and had time to get the food mostly out of my hair and gravy off my face. But it was still on my clothes.

Meanwhile, mentally, I was absolutely livid. I know where this conversation is heading and I was locked and prepared for this battle.

"I mean, first it was disrespectfully correcting your professor in your history class-"

"In my defense, he was trying to speak on how the black lives movement was considered ga-"

She spoke louder then me, "Then, you kneed one of the players on the lacrosse team-"

"He was sexually harassing a freshman, which you've still haven't looked i-"

Now she was practically yelling. "And now you've crossed the line on using violence on my campus!" She was standing and practically in my face now yelling.

"Why." A soft gentle voice ringed through the room. I froze. Is that? "Are you in my darling's face." I haven't heard his voice in so long.

It was like a lullaby. It settled my mind so fast I immediately wanted to go to sleep and never wake up as long as he kept talking.

Headmaster Quin straightened so fast I thought I heard something pop. She smoothed out her grey pencil vest. "M-Mr. Alro, I wasn't made aware you were here. I haven't r-reached out to you n-nor has anyone told me they have." She stuttered over her words. Which was surprising coming from a woman tightly rounded as a circle.

"Gary, called as soon as she stepped a foot into the office." I could feel him walking towards me. Cold fingers found my neck. I almost sighed in relief. I was so angry earlier I was getting extremely hot, so the feeling of his cold hands soothed me.

Shivers ran down my spine as his forefinger found my pulse and he rested it there. He added light pressure until I felt my pulse beat harder against his finger. Well this is new.

"Do I want to know the reason why I wasn't immediately called?" He asked. Headmaster Quin stared at him for a minute before she cleared her throat.

"I do apologize for not speaking to you earlier but it is my right to discipline my studen-"

"Not when the other student who smeared food all over her is not present." He said sternly but in the same smooth tone. His fingers continued stroke my pulse. "You bring that girl into this room and sit her in this seat next to Vanessa then maybe I'll listen to your useless excuse."

Headmaster Quin stood there with a look of uncertainty. "I saw with my own eyes Vanessa hit-"

"Bring her here." The room went cold and I swear, darker then it already was. Headmaster Quins eyes widened before racing out of the room. The door clicked behind her.

Although she left the room was still eerie and cold. Arlo stayed behind me, his fingers still clutching my neck. I swallowed before opening my mouth.

"I...I thought you were still...in New York?" I asked but was more of statement then a question. He hummed softly.

"Not anymore." He said quietly. He moved slowly from behind me. I kept my eyes lowered to the ground. Not wanting to make any eye contact with him.

"No no love." He said softly. His cold fingers tipped my head up. I slowly lifted my eyes up and made contact with his deep red one. I gasped softly. It's been so long since I've seen him.

He was still the same shade of white from when I was younger but his head a lot more beautiful then I remember. His chiseled face was sunken in slightly due to the fact that he was "dead". But it just made more attractive his full pink lips were tilted into smirk.

His pin straight, long nearly black hair framed his face and it gave him that eerie but inviting presence. His deep red eye were glistening.

"Never look at the ground when you're in my presence." He cupped my chin and moved my face around. Tilting his head he studied me. "My, have you changed and you smell." He leaned closer towards my neck and sniffed softly.

"Really different." He said his red eyes were dropped slightly. I tilted my head, I smelled different? My heart was beating so fast it felt as though I was in race. Now looking at him I realized how much I've missed him.

His jokes. How he made me feel better by staying up with me by eating a tub of ice cream while he watched me. How his laughter could make everyone in the room laugh as well. But then he left. As well as Rysand.

I grabbed his hand and pulled it from my chin. He tried to cover his stupid sexy smile but it didn't work. If he thinks I've forgiven him after he left me here by myself he has another thing coming.

"I see, you're upset with me, hm?" He asked. I looked away and crossed my arms. Not answering him he laughed. My belly swarmed with butterflies but I killed them instantly. No. I can't go there. Not only is it fucking weird but he is shit ton older than me and oh a vampire.

"Am in trouble?" I asked in a detached tone. He didn't say anything at first. He just sat and watched me.

"No. You're not in trouble, my love." He said softly. I hummed, still staring at the large hourglass Headmaster Quin had propped in the corner.

"How is New York?" I asked.

"My lo-" He started but I cut him off.

"It must be fantastic enough for you to leave me here for the last 6 years." I said sassily. I felt my eyes tear up but I didn't let them fall. The door opened before he could say anything else.

I turned my head and covered my mouth to keep in my laugh. Abby's face was blotchy. Mascara streaks ran down her face and her left eye was starting to swell. And she was holding a bloody napkin to her nose.

Serves her right. All those years of her being a complete bitch has finally caught up to her. I'm so glad I was the one who could deliver it. "Oh no." I gasped. My hands flew to my mouth and I started to laugh.

Headmasters Quins face started to red in anger. "I am so ti-"

"Do not finish that sentence." The room went icy cold again. I finally shut myself up and turned my head towards Arlo. He still sat in front of me. Eyeing me before he jerked his head towards the door.

"Go, I want you to gather all your things and meet me in the car." He said. I furrowed my brows.

"You won't be coming back to this place." He made place sound like he was saying something gross.

"I beg your pardon?" Headmaster said in shock and fury. Carlos head turned slowly. His now brightened red eyes were glistening with something darker.

"The one and only thing I care about in this godforsaken world is being mistreated by her professors, bullied by her peers, and I have not received one word from this place that she was going through these things. Rysand and I have been funding this institution with clear intentions that Vanessa was getting the treatment she deserved." He stood readjusting the cuff links that shined brightly in the sun that was coming through the tall windows.

"Vanessa will be pulled out of this school and she will be transferring to a school I know she will get the best treatment." No. Nonono. Dont say it. Please don't. Dont.

"She'll be transferred to Bloom Academy." He said it. He then guided me towards the door. "Go and collect your things and meet me in the car. Darota is already there waiting for you. I'll be a moment." He said.

I nodded and watched as he stepped back into the room and close the door.

Good riddance. I hope he hasn't eaten yet.

...just kidding.

I'm so excited for this story. I just haven't had the motivation to write my other books but this one. I'm enjoying a hella lot more.


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