Land Of The Living

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Chapter 15

Loa was ready for the party. She was dressed like a 1920's flapper. The head dress she adorned were made with real diamonds hanging from the strings.

The gown she adorned was hand beaded even the train that followed her. Loa? Uncle Louis said they are waiting for us.

Loa came out Shawn stared baby you are fucking gorgeous we were born in the wrong time. He slipped a white fox stole on her shoulders Uncle Louis said it should drag the steps when you make your entrance. Heheh he sure knows how to wow a crowd huh Shawn?

Ready? Yes sir. Shawn walked half way down the stairs as Louis had them rehearse.

Family and friends thank you for gathering. My niece who has become the daughter I was never blessed with has crossed to be with her family ten years ago.

She is the youngest member in our line and we needed young blood. Tonight we celebrate her marriage to Doctor Shawn Cassidy.

Without further ado I present her first time being introduced to black elite society Mrs. Loa Rose Cassidy.

Everyone clapped as she made her way down the stairs. The men were breathless gazing upon her beauty. Her family proud of her and the women happy she was reunited with the love of her life if not for a few moments.

Loa looked for her Granmere she was smiling at her that made Loa smile which lit up the room.

Maestro music! Every one clapped as Loa held his arm making thier way to meet family and friend's in the ball room.

Loa and Shawn danced the night away. They drank expensive Champagne and ate high end caviar. When the bottles were done they automatically filled up again.

Loa and Shawn walked in her Uncles Gardens spirits heard of his garden and came from various ancestral estates to see it.

This is beautiful Loa. It is right baby? Watch this. Loa clapped thousands of fire flies filled the air encompassing her the light bouncing off her diamond's and sequin dress and head wear.

Shawn grabbed her they ran through the garden like children. The loved they felt was shared with everyone they were high from the liquor and their love endorphins.

Shawn and Loa watched the moon dissipate into the sun. They held hands kissing as beautiful hues of yellow graced the looks of love on thier faces.

We have to say goodbye to our guests. Loa and Shawn passed out bottles of champagne as guests left the posed for photo's. With family and again apart as a married couple. How long have you been married?

Shawn looked to Loa ten years. God bless you both. The last guest stayed calling Louis to the stair case. Go on up doll I'll be there in a few ticks.

Goodnight Loa and Shawn congrats. Ain't she a little young Uncle? Loa teased? Shot in a 1930 juke joint. She was 23 what year did you say it was again Shawn? Staring at Loa. Point taken Uncle. That woman is 120 some odd years old gal.

That's the beauty of the afterlife we can fashion ourselves to look the way were happiest in life. How old are you in this body Uncle? 28 baby I was shining. Yes you were Uncle yes you are.

Thank you for the Celebration Uncle Louis. You are very welcome Doctor. Louis dissapeared from them sparkles floated up the steps. How does he do that Loa whispered.

Loa made love to Shawn again and again and again then again. 

The Medium pushed a shot of vitamins in his vein's. What's that? His fiance asked. The medium ignored her.

Hello?! I'm speaking to you answer me now! You don't put anything into my husband without asking me.

The Meduim stared at her sharply this man is not yours she whispered. Never was never wil be the Medium left the room wickedly laughing.

India woke up inhaling sharply. The medium wasn't in the room.

Baby you okay? Yes Ms. Doris why did Loa take Shawn? Unresolved feelings. Because she is a fucking nut India. India laughed. John don't talk about Loa that way ever.

Doris held Shawn's hand, don't speak ill of the dead especially when she's holding our son hostage.

John chuckled she was a hood rat from the 9th ward. Doris stood angry I'm raised in the lower 9th do you feel the same about me John? I'm sick and tired of you dogging people John. Baby you know I wasn't talking about you.

Doris ignored him. Was Shawn married before?

No, John cut Doris off she was his childhood sweetheart she passed away bad heart.

Jayson and Doris were quiet knowing there was a clause in the contract that Shawn couldn't be married prior.'s time. Loa woke ti her grandmere's voice. He must be gone by the setting of the rising sun fifteen minutes.

Baby Shawn wake up I gotta escort you to the gates. Humm? No baby I'm not leaving you not again.

Shawn if you don't go you will die. She held her head down. So what I love you as he dressed in the suit Louis gave him walking to the gate slow.

I can't leave you again. Shawn I know you have a special technique dealing specifically with removing blisters that form on the heart. I know that there are five surgeon's in the United States that can do it and you are one of them.

What about all those people who need you? He smiled and now there were four.

Not funny Shawn. Go no Loa. Shawn go now! Loa was watching the sun I'll find my way to you baby trust me. No he screamed.

Doris sat up hearing Shawn yell. The Medium woke yessss come back here young soul Loa is pushing him back Doris. Doris wiped her tears thank you Loa.

Loa looked up what it that? Shawn asked. It's Doris crying you're close to the land of the living the voices of love ones become clearer.

The heel of Shawn's shoes were on the crossing line he held on to the gates for dear life. Baby please don't do this I'm begging you. Let go Shawn.

NO! Shawn screamer out in his sleep NO!
Okay baby you can stay Loa opened her arms kissing a relived Shawn.

You know I love you right baby? Yes Loa. Loa pushed him over the line.

Baby NO! Shawn woke kicking and screaming.

When Doris pulled back the cover's Shawn was wearing his tuxedo from 1920.

Everyone in the room stared as though they'd seen a ghost.

India stared amazed and shocked looking at the gold wedding band sparkling on his left hand.

She didn't put it there.

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