Chapter 2: The First of Many

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I couldn't believe it. Two people, well one clown and one warrior were fighting in the sky to, quite frankly, death! The clown was more physical and the warrior was more weaponised, it doesn't make this terrifying due to the fact that both are at equal odds at each-other.

They both were giving their all to take the other down. Whatever it took even if it was the most deadly magic attack. It was freaky and as much as I wanted to see the warrior win, I would much rather survive so I ran off.

However, as if fate has it, the clown noticed me running off. They unleashed a deadly attack aiming at me, I'm sure the warrior noticed because the second that clown launch their attack, the warrior came in-front of me and magicked up a shield!

"Phew, that was close" They said in relief.

"Ok this is getting weird, who are you and why is there a killer clown on the loose??" I rambled on.

"No time for questions! We need to get you to safety! Ah! There!" They pointed at the Performing Arts Block, which is the most secure out of all of them. And without any chance of protests from me, they grabbed my arm and we both ran to the building, I quickly grabbed my lanyard ready to open the doors when we arrived and after one swipe and a ping the warrior pushed open the doors and they placed me down.

"You're safe here, don't run out of the building unless you want to get killed by Apollo, he almost did it to you back there." The warrior said in a cold but also cautious tone.

"Thanks but can you PLEASE answer my questions?! I've been pretty much in the dark!" I impatiently asked the warrior. Albeit I was quite annoyed but they literally had other plans so that one's on me.

"Alright alright young lady I'll make this quick, you shall refer to me as Protector Pastel: Headmaster of Protector High, and that clown I was fighting a second ago is Apollo, a servant to the evil king, his job is to spread negativity around the universe and it's up to us Protectors to stop it."


"Come out come out wherever you are~~~~" Apollo cried, his voice was childlike it was sickening.

"He's still not done. Jesus Christ when will he shut up?!" Protector Pastel exclaimed in annoyance, honestly I would be acting like that if I was in her shoes. Hold on, somethings bothering me, that wand before she transformed, why does it have a similar feel to something I have..?

Before I can think about it further, Pastel ran off and I ran up to the 2nd floor to take a proper look at the battle. Both were incredibly skilled at fighting and are a force to be reckoned with. But it was also scary, Pastel is practically putting her life at risk so that she'd save all of Bennett Road. It was bittersweet and I honestly felt like I was in an superhero movie like how I always used to dream about when I was young but instead of fighting crime I'm on the sidelines.

However, Apollo started to get creative with his attacks and it caught Pastel off guard, he struck her from behind which caused her to lose balance and fall, I wanted to help I really did but I couldn't. I don't have any magical powers nor do I hone any fighting abilities. I'm useless here, all I can do is watch.

But...I couldn't just stand seeing Apollo win, not after that kind gesture from Pastel. I grabbed my bag and started running down the stairs, I bolted out of the door and hid underneath the table tennis table. My heart was racing and it was beating out of my chest, what can I do?? I noticed a lone bucket near the court just a few meters away from me. Bingo!

I ran to the bucket and with all my might I attempted to throw it at Apollo, while it barely scrapped him, he definitely found out that I did it. Oh I'm fucked! I'm absolutely fucked! Pastel then turned around to see me, while she was shocked she was a mixture of mad and gratitude? I think? Though she was definitely mad, so mad in fact she flew down and practically got up in my face whilst magicking up her shield again!

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