the end.

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well here we are. the end of this story. its been a long journey with you guys as my followers/readers. i know that i have spent a long time not on this site as a writer, but a reader. im sorry to say that i have come up with an end to this beloved second story of mine. clary and jace was my first, and this was my second. here we go.

George walked with his plan in his head.

Simply, he wanted to commemorate his life as a twin to Fred Weasley. He only wanted the best for his brother, and when he died, it tore a piece of George out of him.

George silently nodded to Luna and walked into the Room of Requirement where his planning was taking place.

He snapped his fingers and the plans sprung up from the floor.

It showed all of the jokes and plans George found in Fred's trunk after he passed away.

All of the plans that never got to be performed.

George grabbed the biggest, grandest, most Fred-like plan he saw and turned to see Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Neville, and all of Fred's living friends behind him ready to back him up.

"Alright everyone," George yelled, "lets get Plan Fred into action."

The famous trio grabbed their wands and the box filled to the top with cake icing. Ginny, Luna, and Neville walked over to the corner of the room and conjured cannons to blast the icing everywhere. Everyone else found something to do.

The plan was to blast icing out of the cannons into the Great Hall whilst everyone was eating. They had tallied the scores for the House Cup and the Gryffindors knew they had won. They had planned this as a celebration for winning. Fred had actually planned this one in secret for winning the Quidditch Cup years ago but his plans were set aside once they discovered a better plan.

George rubbed his hands together and walked around the room inspecting all of the plans. This had to go perfectly. There was no option.


Fred didn't deserve a blunt prank. He deserved an extravagant one that went perfectly that ended in a pie to McGonagall's face.

They had the pie, too.

The plan was to go into action that night when everyone was having their last feast of the year in the Great Hall. The House Cup winner would be announced and then the cannons would go off. Ron, Hermione, Luna, Harry, Ginny, and George (in that order) were then going to be shot out of the cannons with the icing, throwing around cake and ice cream at random students.

The cannons were set outside the windows of the Great Hall, masked by a cloaking spell. Harry and Ron were out on Harry's broom underneath the Invisibility Cloak putting the icing, cake, and ice cream into the cannons.

Everything was in place. Now, George had to put his best poker face on and not reveal his plans to anyone who wasn't a part of them.

George roamed the castle, looking around. It seemed like in each corner he saw, there was a memory. They almost always contained Fred.

George felt his throat choking up. He refused to cry. Fred wouldn't want him to cry.

All of a sudden, he felt small and frail arms gently wrap around his torso. Blonde hair came into the corner of his eye.

He missed having that certain small presence in his life, surrounding his grief-stricken world with love and happiness. She was the twinkle in his eye, the sun that rose every morning. He fell asleep knowing that however bad it got, he would always have her, the sun, to be there to bring a ray of sunshine into his life.

Of course, he'd never say that aloud unless he was alone with her. He didn't want to sound like a pussy.

After a few solid minutes of enjoying her presence at his waist, she twisted to where she was still embracing him but in front of him, arching her face up to his. He wrapped his arms carefully around her fragile frame.

"You know, I may look like I can break with a simple tight squeeze. But you should know I'm not that easy to break, George."

"I will treat you with as much gentleness as I please. Maybe I want to be a gentleman after being a silly boy for so long. If you have a problem, I can easily go fuck that girl-"

"Shut up because you're mine. Now kiss me like you mean it. It's your last day at Hogwarts and I won't have you for the next year so make me remember this in a good way, not in the way where I see you fucking that girl over there."

"Funny. I don't ever remember you being this defiant. Honestly, I always thought you were high."

"When a person spends a lot of time with a Weasley, it happens. You see what happened to Hermione and Harry by hanging out with the lot of you."

"Oh just shut up and let me kiss you."


The entirety of the school gathered in the Great Hall for their final meal. As usual, the houses mixed and sat with members of the other houses. Everyone still had a house, but they were allowed to sit wherever they pleased.

George, Luna, Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all missing. McGonagall realized this but ignored it.

"Students! We have reached the conclusion of another successful year at Hogwarts. I am very pleased with the amount of you and the fact that the houses are mixing. Dumbledore would have loved it. The Great War is over and you are the future. You will all be leading our society in some way or another. I am proud to be your Headmaster. I hope all of you who have years of schooling left will return to us in the fall."

At the precise moment that McGonagall finished her sentence, the cannons went off one by one.

Ron came out the first cannon.

Then Hermione.

Then Luna.

Then Harry.

Then Ginny.

Finally, George escaped the cannon on a broomstick, covered in icing and in cake batter. He threw the trademark "W" firework into the sky above the school and him and the others flew out of the castle, into their new lives.

They started out as twins.

Who would've known how close they would be?

Then one died tragically.

The other didn't know how to live with himself.

Sometimes love can help you find yourself.

And George Weasley found that out for himself.


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