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As I was walking upstairs to our room, I heard Mum call a family meeting. Those things always end with Dad shouting, and a couple of the kids mad at each other.

I shake Luna, who fell asleep earlier. "Whhaaa?..."

"Family meeting."

She nods and I give her a piggyback ride down the stairs.

I put her down and we sit on the couch in the living room while everyone else comes downstairs.

Ron and Hermione come down last, looking a bit sleepless and ruffled. I laugh.

Ron gives me a look of death while Hermione slaps him, seeing the look her gave me.

"Guys, calm down. This meeting is last minute, I know. But I just got a letter from McGonagall. It says anyone who hasn't completed their seventh or sixth year can come back. She says that the staff understands the war may have caused many students to leave Hogwarts for some reason or another."

I hear most of the room sigh.

How could I go back without Fred? I know everyone will give me ptiy stares. I'm already a misfit, and now that I'm with Luna, that would make it worse. Not that I don't enjoy being with Luna, I just know all the attention she gets for being different.

Ron, Ginny, Luna, and even Harry is complaining. Only Hermione and I aren't saying anything.

"Mum! Draco will be there though! He's told everyone he's out of prison to go back to Hogwarts!"

"Ron," Harry starts, "he's changed. His father was the one who made him who he was. I saw him the other day in Diagon Alley. He's calmed down a lot and we even had a civilized conversation."

"Well guys," Mum said, "the train leaves in three days. Might as well start packing and getting all of your belongings together. Check to see if you have all of your supplies. We floo to Diagon Alley in an hour if you guys need to."

Everyone flew up the stairs. I heard yelling like "Where's that robe I had last year?!" etc. Luna looks over to her small suitcase and looks at me.

"I'll personally buy you a new one in Diagon Alley, Luna. Don't fret."

"Thanks Geo!" She flys across the room and puts her arms around me. "You don't have to though, I already have more money than you guys. I'll buy it myself. But thanks anyways!"

She goes back to her, or my old, bed, and pulls books, robes, cauldrons, her wand, her owl, and more things than I count and lays them on her bed. I do the same.

We head downstairs with a list of things we need. Everyone has something they need to get. Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Luna, me, Mum, and Dad head towards the fireplace and the floo powder.

"Bill, Charlie, Percy, I hope you'll take care of the house just fine!" Mum yells upstairs.

Dad picks up the floo powder and yells "Diagon Alley!" and dissapears. Luna graps my arm and looks scared. Thats's when I remeber something.

Luna's never flooed before.

"Ssh, don't worry, babe, it'll be fine. I'll go with you, okay?"

"Okay," says a shaky voice that sounds kind've like Luna.

Harry and Ginny go next, then Ron and Hermione. We go next.

I take a handful of powder, and throw it up, saying "Diagon Alley!" in the process. Luna grips my hand tightly, and my free arm goes around her small waist. I walk her forward with me and we are in Diagon Alley.

"See! Not so bad, eh?"

Luna looks at me and smiles.

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