Dream Catcher, Part Three

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Summary: Now that you've completed Charles' assignment, life at the mansion is the best it's ever been, but there's something bothering you...

Warnings: None!

A/N: Here's Part Three and the end of this little series, unless y'all want more. I have no current ideas for Erik right now so leave a request if you'd like! I'm so glad you guys enjoy these one-shots, reading your comments makes my day! Lastly, (y/f/f) is (your/favorite/flavor) and it refers to the ice cream that the reader may or may not share with Erik...*wink*

Words: 2792

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Things have been better than ever before. You no longer have to hide in your shell. Sometimes it's nice to duck inside it for a while, but on average, you're out there with the others, training, having a good time, making friends. Everyone is really sweet, and you wish you'd made more of an effort earlier. At first you felt guilty. Like you were mean for being uncomfortable at the mansion and with the other mutants Charles has gathered. This doubt strengthened your insecurity and made you ten times more awkward when interacting. Thankfully, Erik stayed true to his word. More often than not, he was at your side; under the sun and the moon. The moment you left your room for breakfast, Erik would take his place beside you, and hover there throughout the day. Sometimes, if you were getting a little flustered in a conversation, or if one of the boys was being too rowdy, Erik would put a hand on your lower back and glare at the person across from you. He's very 'glarey,' if that's a word.

It's certainly his word.

You don't like how he can scare people by just looking at them.

As if he's setting them on fire with his eyes.

He sets you on fire with his eyes too.

But it feels nice. Like a little lantern in your tummy. Erik never looks at you like he does at the guys. Occasionally, he'll give Charles that look, which puzzles you.

They're friends. Good friends — practically brothers at this point.

So why the glares?

Whether you're with Erik or not, you're usually working on your powers or helping around the mansion. As soon as everyone was free, Charles hosted a meeting in the library where he explained your powers in depth and had you demonstrate them. Since no one was brave enough to let you operate on them, Charles took it upon himself. He sat on a table and let you pull a nasty looking nightmare out of his nostril. Erik handed you a fat jar and you crammed the black goop inside. The mutants let out exclamations of horror. Some of them, like Hank, made a beeline for the jar, staring at it in awe and asking if they could hold it. You let them pass the nightmare around, examining the slimy substance as it tried to flatten itself at the bottom of the container. How odd, you thought. Most nightmares that old are like wizened warriors.

This one is shy.


Ever since the demonstration, mutants left and right have been showing up outside your door, wanting a nightmare removed. Naturally, they'd come in the middle of the night, when a bad dream woke them. You'd hear a knock and startle awake, opening the door expecting to see Erik, but lock eyes with some uneasy mutant looking for relief. A small part of you wanted to shut the door, crawl back into bed and sleep, but your sappy old heart couldn't do that. Clinically selfless, you'd invite the mutant in, sit them on your bed like you used to do with Erik, and you'd take their nightmare away.

For a week, this system worked.

After a fortnight of little to no sleep, Erik was getting angry.

"Leave her alone for Christ's sake, she needs sleep like any other person."
His sharp tongue and glarey-face would send them packing.

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