Jealous Much?

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Summary: Erik and you can never get along, and when he catches you sparring with Logan, he seems to get jealous but...why?

Warnings: Mild language.

A/N: This was a request from @Umia294. I hope it matches what you wanted! I kind of ran wild with it but oh well! I'd love to have other requests from you guys if you have any, and on my other One-Shot books too. Enjoy!

Words: 3478

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There is no one in this world who drives you as insane as Erik Lehnsherr. Impossible though it may seem, every. single. thing that he does rubs you the wrong way. For starters, he's mean. He's horribly rude, and cold and everything he says is snarky as Hell. The only person he mildly respects is Charles and even then, it depends on the day. He's fought with half the mansion, and the other half he won't speak to. Regrettably, you are in the first half. It gets worse. Not only have you squabbled with the metal-manipulator, you're his go to target for any and all arguments. You wouldn't be surprised if he scheduled time to debate with you. At least once a day, you and Erik can be heard, throwing a fit over a number of issues, ranging from if water is wet to whether humans are as valuable as mutants. What pisses you off the most, is how calm Erik is. He'll raise his voice, especially with you, but he never gets worked up like you do. You lose your breath; you scream in exasperation; sometimes, when no one's looking, you leave the fights and cry.

That is perhaps what you hate so much about Erik Lehnsherr.

How much power he has over your emotions.

You're an empath.

You feel people's hearts; hear their thoughts. You can tell the emotions experienced by every person you meet — if you touch them.

Except for one guy.

Guess who?

When you explained the phenomenon to Charles, he merely shrugged, saying he didn't have the resources to prove anything. All he could offer was the suggestion that maybe you and Erik were connected on some subconscious level. Pressing him for clarification, he came up with the bizarre idea that maybe you and Erik's souls understood one another so deeply neither of you quite noticed. That, or the two of you would be close in the future and it was somehow affecting you both now. Both suggestions struck you as absurd, so you scoffed and stormed out of Charles' office, unaware of the knowing smile plastered to his face as you slammed the door behind you.


Souls...understanding each other?


Erik is a jerk and he never lets you forget it.

Which brings you to the third reason why you despise Erik Lehnsherr.

He's incredibly and unbelievably hot.

Not only did God curse the man with a disagreeable temperament, he also blessed him with looks so good, he could melt every female on the planet by just glancing at them. His jawline is sharper than a double-edged sword; his eyes are the hue of perfectly cut crystal; and his voice is simultaneously silk and thunder, rolling without breaking yet heavy enough to crush anything in its path. Erik's voice alone could break hearts without the rest of him doing the dirty work. Already a few of the younger mutants have developed little crushes on him. It only inflated his ego. You hate the way he leads them on, gently flirting with them, but dodging every move they make. Erik leaves a trail of gooey-eyed teens in his wake and it ruffles your feathers.

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