just 5 days

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I have forgotten,
Unmedicated for only 5 days.
And yet these days feel like a neverending hell
I just feel so uncared for
Death seems so nice
But I must go on
Or else my dad will be left daughterless
And my mom would never have the opportunity to hug me.

My friends feel so distant
My family too
I don't want to cause pain
The way they do

Sometimes I lash out at my friends and family
I hate that I do that
Maybe I should be left alone
Even though feeling lonely is something I deal with all the time and it is terrible

I'm nothing but a burden
I've been neglecting my chores
I get called lazy
Which makes the guilt worse

Sometimes I laugh at something
When I realize I'm laughing
All the joy disappears

Music keeps me calm.
It's the one thing
that doesn't go wrong

I look at my read and delivered messages
Why does no one answer?

I feel worthless
I feel disposable
I think no one cares

I just want to be happy
I don't want to be dependent
On medication

Why is it so hard for me?
People have it worse
Yet I'm sulking over emotions
I'm pathetic

And all this because of five days

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