chapter seven

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     Hours have gone by, and Eleven has managed to fight off the Mind Flayer every time. I would say that I was impressed, but I don't think that he'd like that very much. So, I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind.

     Eleven looked terrible. She looked absolutely horrible. Sweat was dripping down her face, and her eyes were beginning to close again. She was hunched over in her chair, and if the rope wasn't tied around her, she would've collapsed to the floor by now.

     I lifted Eleven's chin up with my hand, looking her dead in the eyes. "You're a good fighter, I'll give you that." I tilted my head, "but you can't fight forever. Sooner or later, you'll give in."

     Eleven couldn't respond. She was completely unable to do so, therefore, I let her head drop. I stood up and made my way over to Billy, who was standing behind Eleven with his arms crossed. "Let's try this one more time." I muttered, annoyance seeping through my teeth like poison.

     I turned to face Eleven, who could barely glance up at the Mind Flayer. We no longer needed to hold her down to stop her struggling; she was too weak to move. This was it, I was sure of it.

     The mist began to circle around her, engulfing her in darkness. One soft cry left her throat, before she was silent. The only sounds were the rushing wind, and Billy and I's breathing. Then, it stopped.

     I stood completely still, watching Eleven with curious eyes. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, waiting to see if Eleven would reject the mist once more.

     She sat up straight.

     Slowly, Billy and I circled around the chair and stared down at the girl. Her eyes were shut tightly for a moment, her brows furrowed, but when she stopped struggling, I knew we had her.

     She opened her eyes, and stared unseeingly into mine. Eleven didn't speak, or move. She only sat there, breathing when necessary, blinking. I turned to Billy and nodded. Immediately, he untied the rope that kept her in her chair, and tossed it to the side. Eleven stood up, looking around the room as if seeing it for the first time.

     I looked to Billy with a smile. While Eleven was still exhausted, Billy and I knew that within a few hours, or days, she would be completely under his control. There was nothing she could do about it now.

     "I'll go get some more supplies." I spoke. Supplies was what we were calling weapons. "You stay here, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. She's still conscious, whether she knows it or not. It'll take time."

     Billy nodded. "Good idea."

     We didn't bother to say goodbye. I only left without a second glance, having more important things to do than bid my ally goodbye.

     I followed the same trail as always. I weaved in and out of branches, stepped over sharp rocks, and kept my gaze straight ahead while doing so. As I walked, I thought about where to go. Which place would be best.

Then it clicked, and I felt stupid for not realizing beforehand. Hunting & Camping. It was a small store in Hawkins that held all the weapons needed for, well... hunting and camping.

I walked the streets of Hawkins in a daze. I wasn't giving so much as a glance as I walked by. No one seemed to care about the teenagers who looked dead inside, no one at all. But I wasn't complaining, I was mentally thanking my lucky stars.

When I arrived at Hunting & Camping, I pushed the door open and immediately began my search. This store was much better than the last one I had been too. Last time, I had to improvise. This time, I had everything I needed right in front of me.

I began my search, silently deciding on what was the most dangerous. I didn't know the names of the weapons, nothing specific anyway. Guns were guns, they were meant to kill. That's all that mattered to me.

Of course, I would never kill unless necessary. But if someone got in my way? Fair game.

I picked up a pistol, as well as the ammo needed for it. I decided that Billy would be upset with me if I didn't get him one too, so I picked up a second one.

I barely glanced at the shelf to my right and I swiftly clasped my hand around an axe and took it with me. I could only hold so much of course, so I had to be wise. I glanced at a lighter, thinking about taking it with me. The thought of heat caused my skin to crawl, so I continued my search for something else. Anything else.

My eyes fell upon a hammer. The label said it was useful for sticking stakes into the ground for your tent, but I didn't have a tent, and I didn't need a tent. You win some, you lose some.

I made my way to the front of the shop, placing all weapons and tools on the counter. The shop owner looked down at me with a raised brow. "Are you even old enough to be paying for all of this?" I glared harshly at him, "and what do you even need it for, anyway?"

I rolled my eyes, "does it matter?"

"I suppose it doesn't concern me." He shrugged, "but do you have money to pay for all this?" He had a smug look on his face, like he had caught me.

I glanced around the shop, listening carefully with my ears. It was completely empty, besides me and the asshole running the place. I looked back over to the man and shrugged, "nope." I smiled sweetly before raising my hand, and gripping it around the back of his neck. In one swift motion, I smashed his head against the counter. He let out a cry of pain before falling to the floor, unconscious.

I rolled my eyes as I gathered all my weapons, handling them carefully before leaving the shop. I turned down an alleyway, and made my way behind buildings to avoid any unwanted attention. As soon as the woods were in sight, I began my journey through them and to the abandoned building.

lizzie speaks...

i rly love writing her scenes when she's out in public. btw, nancy's pov next chapter!

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