2- Arriving

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*5 more days till twitchcon*

I was currently rushing out the door to get to the airport and meet Phil and Christen so we could get on the plane.

I got in the Uber I called and the driver drove to the airport and dropped me off, I payed and gave him a wave and a thank you. I was going to head in but I heard my name along with a nickname being called.


I turned around to see Christen and Phil Rushing towards me, Christen engulfed me in a huge hug, Phil did the same.

"Hi Mumza, Hi dadza!"

"Gosh I missed you! Ready for a fun weekend?"

"I sure am"

We walked inside the airport and got through security and we were now waiting for our gate to be called.

"Hey Phil... I have a little surprise for you!"

"Oh? I love a good surprise!"

"Oh wait Rain is this what you showed me last night?"

Its true, I had showed Christen the Crow father cosplay and she told me that Phil would love it.
I swiped through my album until I found a photo from my Philza Cosplay photoshoot and showed it to Phil.

"Oh my gosh mate that's awesome! You look so cool! Are you going to wear that for one of the days?"

"Actually Phil, I have one Cosplay for each day and... The Phil one if being worn on the day of our meet and greet"

"Mate you're kidding! That's awesome, I can't wait to see the fan reactions"

I smiled, Christen looked so happy and so did Phil, soon our gate was called and we were on the plane in no time at all.

Phil sat in the middle while Christen was on the outside and I was near the window; looking out at the clouds while listening to music... I don't have a fear of planes but they are really loud and I don't like that much.

"Hey you ok?"

Phil looked at me, a small smile on his face.

"Y-yeah... The plane is just kinda loud"

"I know it's kinda scary and loud but you have Christen and Me, you've got your music"

"Phil... Can I lay on you, j-just rest on your shoulder please?"

"Of course Rain, anything to help you be more at ease"

I rested my head on Phil, listening to my music and slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Hmm... Night... Dad, Za"

*Pov Phil*

"Christen... Did you hear that?"

"Yeah she was very close it was adorable"

"Do you think she thinks about me in that way? I consider her like... Well like a daughter"

"Me to Phil, she's a great kid with a troubled upbringing... You and I seem to be the only family she has left"

Christen was right, Rain doesn't have anyone left besides me and I'm not even a blood relative but I'd do anything to keep her safe... Techno thought the same thing a while ago.

Rain slept peacefully on my shoulder, her earbud almost completely out of her ear. We had 2 more hours on the plane so Chisten and I decided we would also catch up on sleep.

*hour and a half later, pov Rain*

I woke up to the pilot speaking over the coms of the plane, Phil was knocked out cold and Christen was on her phone taking a picture of Phil for her Instagram story.

"Morning Mumza, what'd I miss?"

"Hello Rain I hope you slept well... You were so tired you almost call Dadza, just Dad"

"Oh gosh I can't believe I did that! I-I what?"

Christen laughed and gave me a warm smile. Phil woke up shortly after and by that time, the plane had touched down on American soil with only days left till twitchcon.

Phil had gotten an Uber for us to take us to the hotel; he had booked a joined room for all of us; me getting a room all to myself while Phil and Christen of course shared the other room.

We got to the hotel pretty late and I decided to unpack everything so I didn't have to in the morning. Phil went to come check up on me and found me falling asleep on the floor and had to wake me up.

I eventually got a good nights rest but not before posting on my story that I had landed in the US.

The night was calm, no noises, no distractions and no alarm set to wake me up Tomorrow... But how come I couldn't sleep?

I was sitting up in my bed, looking at my phone and scrolling through twitter when I came across a tweet by Ranboo that I was tagged in.

The tweet read

I don't know why he couldn't just text me but Ranboo always has weird ways of doing things.

I responded to the tweet, Letting Ranboo know I would text them in the morning and then I tried to get sleep... I ended up staying up all night and watching the sun rise.

Phil came in and yelled at me.

If I Could Reach You (Aismey Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now