Sign Launguage

530 19 4

I have no idea how long I sat there just petting Sonic but the movie was long over and I was merely staring off into space when Sonic startled me by yawning.

I jumped slightly and I looked down.

Sonic looked up at me and then blushed and got off my lap awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes at him and then he looked towards the kitchen.

I followed his gaze and saw Tails cooking.

I didn't eat but Sonic did and so Sonic went into the kitchen.

I ultimately decided to stay put since I wasn't sure what Tails thought of me.

Tails on the other hand looked at me from the kitchen and smiled.

I got up awkwardly and walked over and sat down at the table.

I watched in mild interest as they ate and then Sonic looked over at Tails.

"Bet you can't guess what I got Metal to do." Sonic grinned.

Tails just stared at Sonic.

"I GOT HIM TO JOIN TEAM SONIC!" Sonic squealed.

Tails immediately looked happy.

"Really? He changed his mind about going back to Eggman?" Tails said happily.

Sonic nodded and smiled at me.

I stared at him for a moment before looking over at Tails and nodding.

"We really have to find a way for you to communicate better." Tails sighed.

I honked at him.

I communicated just fine!

"Oh come on Metal. Even if it's just sign language you need to communicate somehow." Tails griped.

I made a series of clicking sounds to show my annoyance.

I mean. I knew sign language. I had found it on the internet and saved it into my memory banks in case it was ever needed.

Actually. I did that to many languages.

I could literally write anything.

'I already know sign.' I signed to Tails.

Tails looked shocked.

"Then why don't you use it?" Tails asked me.

Sonic just looked confused.

I pointed at Sonic's confused face.

"Okay. Not everyone speaks Sign but they totally should. I speak sign though so. Use it around me okay? Makes everything easier." Tails said to me with a smile.

I whirred my engines in a huff.

'I prefer writing.' I signed at Tails

"Why?" Tails asked.

'Signing feels weird and I've been using the written language my whole life. Signing is different.' I tried to explain in sign.

Tails nodded.

"I get it. Okay. Well. Still. Can you try to use sign when talking to me? Oh! And Amy! She knows it too." Tails smiled.

I looked down for a moment as I allowed myself a moment to process.

I mean.

It wasn't like signing was hard.

I finally relented and nodded.

'Fine. I'll make an attempt.' I signed to Tails.

"Thanks Metal!" Tails said cheerfully.

I whirred my engines in a sigh before heading towards the door.

Sonic followed me.

I paused and looked over at him.

"Metal you should visit again sometime." Sonic said with a smile.

I nodded.

I did like spending time with Sonic.

Sonic just beamed.

I then headed home and got myself comfortable before taking out my DS and getting back into ultra sun.

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