✦✧ғᴏᴜʀᴛʏ ғɪᴠᴇ✧✦

508 44 13

Two days later:

Jin smiled waking up and sqw jungkook staring at him with a small smile on his lips.
He pulled jungkook close and hugged him.

"good morning love. "

Jungkook smiled when he got a kiss on his forehead.

"let's get shower. Then breakfast at your favorite place? "

jungkook smiled and they both went to washroom.

Jungkook also got undressed looking back when jin didn't moved staring at him. Slowly he felt jin pulling him toward him kissing his lips like he is dieing from not getting a kiss in past days.

Jungkook also responded quickly and oulled him inside the shower hands caressing each other

" i love you so much baby. I love you so much. "

jin kept saying while kissing his face and shoulders.

Jungkook nodded everytime to jin's words wiping his tears pushing his bangs away.
They both got dressed and jin settled holding jungkook's hand in his while a car  with guards followed them behind.

Jin sat close to jungkook as they selected the menu and started eating in relaxing environment. Jungkook after sometime placed his head on jin's shoulder and sighed wrapping his arms around his waist. Jin smiled and kissed hos forehead retuning to his plate and started eating.

"seokjin? "

jin stiffened and looked around while jinkook were about to move out of the restaurant after paying the bills.


jin asked not turning to the person. He held onto jungkook tightly.

Last time jungkook went to ICU he doesn't want Taehyung to hurt or say anything to him.

"why you hiding? "

"hiding? Me? "

jin looked around and sighed he could make a drama here.  He took a deep breath holding jungkook waist tightly and started.

"my family has been looking for you to confirm and do test but you ran away"

Taehyung walked closer and looked at jungkook with smirk.

"well let's go to home and discuss don't we? "

jungkook patted jin's chest and nodded. Jin sighed and nodded back.

"come with my guards. And where is she? "

"daehyun? She is eating there. Honey? "

the little hurried and held his father hand.

"well let's meet there then"

jin moved holding jungkook settled in car and drove away.
Author pov:

Taehyung smirked holding-hands of the little girl.

"honey you saw that guy handsome one right? "

Daehyun nodded munching his hot dog.

"when we go . Cling to that guy okay? "

"okay daddy"

"let's go then he is your daddy okay? .. "
Jin pov:

I looked stern at Taehyung to start talking while i texted all my family members. Who said they would be coming right away.

"daddy daddy! "

daehyun rushed and hugged jin's leg. Jin was shocked he looked at jungkook who stiffened.

"daddy! "

"dear... Please go to your dad. We need to talk. "

"but i want daddy. "

  jin removed her hold and held her up.

"how about you watch cartoons? "

"can i daddy? "

Jin looked at jungkook who turned the tv on and hearing voices of cartoons the little girl ran to tv sitting on couch.

"now you speak. "

"as you saw she is loving you. So we will stay here. "

"what did you say? "

"we are moving in here... "

"and who said you can?? "

jin inraged and stood up.

"you can't kick us out. The little girl wants his dad in her life you can't stop that. "

"she isn't mine. You can't do anything until i am sure she is mine"

"she is exact copy of you. Is there any need of proof? "

"yes of course!! "

Jimin moved infront of jin  and held his hand when jin tried to get close to Taehyung.

"jin calm down we are here now. Go to jungkook.. Where is he? "

Jin looked around and he panicked running to his bedroom and saw jungkook sitting on bed holding his knees.

Seokjin rushed to him closing the door and ran to his husband.

"baby? "

he saw tears felling down making him panick.

"baby you trust me right?"

seokjin kneeled in front of jungkook staring in his eyes who looked at him with tears streaming down.

"hey hey baby please don't cry you know i love you right?"

jungkook closed his eyes when seokjin leaned cleaning his face.

"will i ever have love?"

seokjin eyes watered when jungkook finally spoke he was desperately waiting for him to say something for three days he said sweet words so jungkook would said something back. He didn't pushed or forced him.

He knew jungkook is going through painful time but what he spoke made him curse at himself. Again and again he is the reason jungkook is getting hurt.

"will i have you seokjin? You are my love.. But why?.... I am tired why we can't live happily? Why problems not ending?? "

Seokjin stayed like that frozen tears running down hos face but then seeing no motion from his husband just kept crying jungkook came closer.

"why you...?.. Why i can't have you seokjin??"

jungkook kmeeled on floor and asked jin who cried.

"please... Why i can't call you mine? "

"i am yours jungkook "

jin said holding his hand.

"then why i feel like i am a third person? Between you and your family? "

jin shocked his head holding his face in his.

"baby. No no. You are my family. You are the first one. Only one. Please. Don't think that. I love you. Only you. Please believe me. Please. You are my love, my life, and my family"

Jungkook hugged him hugging him tight as they both cried to their fill.

"jin... Please make me yours. "

  jin nodded kissing his side face and hugging him again meanwhile kissing him between caressing his body pulling him more closer.

"you are mine baby. You are mine. "


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