Chapter 12: Jay

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 I started to open the door, but noticed Emily's panties on the floor. I snatched them up and shoved them into my pocket. I took a deep breath and swung open the door.

"Jesus, Lucy. Chill out."

She pushed past me into my bedroom, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Who was here?" She demanded.

"No one." I lied, running my fingers through my hair. Her fists clenched and her nostrils flared as she looked around my room.

"What were you doing?"

I sighed. "I was asleep." The lies rolled off my tongue. I wanted nothing more than to tell Lucy the truth. But I couldn't do that knowing Emily would be in an apartment with her if she decided to do something stupid, like hurt Emily. This whole situation had gotten out of control.

"Why is the window open?" She stomped over to the window. "It's never open." She stuck her head out and looked around. My breath caught in my throat. I assumed Emily was long gone, but I half expected Lucy to jump out of the window after her like a hunting dog on a rabbit's trail.

I happened to notice the empty condom wrapper on the bed while her back was turned. I quickly swept it under my pillow before she whirled around.

"What are you doing here, Lucy?"

"I wanted to see you." She pouted, taking a few steps toward me. "I called and texted but you didn't answer."

"My phone must be on silent," I told her. I knew it was. I had turned off the ringer when I had met up with Emily. I didn't want any distractions.

I bent over to retrieve my phone from my jeans pocket where it had laid forgotten while I was in bed with Emily. My heart almost stopped when I realized the used condom was still in the trash can by my bed. I slowly stood, trying to act normal. I needed to defuse this situation and get Lucy out of here.

I opened up my phone to see I had five missed calls and twelve text messages. All from Lucy.

"Look, on silent." I showed her. "I fell asleep. I haven't felt good today." I resisted the urge to look back at the trash can. The last thing I needed was for her to see a used condom in my trash. I couldn't explain it away as easily.

She let her arms fall to her side and came closer to me. She placed her hand on my forehead.

"You feel hot. Let me make you some soup."

I grabbed her hand, pulling it away from my face. "No, Lucy. I'm fine. I just need to rest."

"I'll stay. I can take care of you."

"No," I said with more force this time. I ran my hands over my face. "I don't need you to take care of me. I can take care of myself. I just need you to leave so I can sleep it off."

She started to pout again. "Are you sure no one else was here?"

"No one was here." I took her by the arm and led her out of my room. I wanted to shake her and tell her it was none of her business. I didn't know how else to get across to her that we weren't together. I was afraid of what she might do if I told her the truth. If I told her that I had met someone and I wanted to be with that person and not her. I was scared for Emily, for Lucy and for myself. Instead, I took the coward's way out and lied.

I started to breathe a little easier as I led her into the living room. Will and Ashley sat on the couch, watching the whole scene unfold.

"Go home, Lucy. I'll call you tomorrow."

She leaned in to kiss me, but I turned my head. Her lips landed on my cheek.

"Goodnight, Lucy." I sighed, closing the door on her.

I turned and leaned against the door, letting out a breath.

"Dude," Will chortled. "Who the hell was in your room?"

I shook my head and pushed off the door. "Thanks for the heads up, man. I have a phone call to make." As I made my way back to my room, I heard the two of them whispering and giggling down the hall, I'm sure speculating about who I had been with tonight. I stepped into my room, closed and locked the door. I sat down on the edge of my bed and pulled Emily's panties out of my pocket. I smirked thinking about the way she wiggled and moaned when I touched her. I wished things hadn't come to an end so abruptly tonight. I had hoped for more time with her.

I owed her an explanation. I had to explain what Lucy was to me and how this thing with her had played out over the years. She deserved that much. Then she could decide if she still wanted to do this with me. God, I hoped she did. The thought of someone else's hands on her, especially Abe's, turned my stomach. I had to make this right.

I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. I had to hear her voice. I had to know she was safe. Even if it was me who was putting her in danger. 

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