bad news

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I am doing some paperwork in my office and thats when my phone rings and jk's here too

"Jk dad is calling I bet its a bad news" I said

"That bastard is still alive I thought he died coz he didn't even care to call us for straight 10 months"jk says

"If he says something annoying I swear I am gonna kill him myself" I said with an annoying tone

"I am gonna definetely help you if thats the case,now pick up lets see what the old man has to say"jk replied with an annoying tone

I picked up the call and put it on speaker and listened moaning sounds from behind definetely one of his whore,I still can not believe that the old man still has that much ability to be this disgusting I thought

"What do u want"jk asks

"Well hello abominations,did you miss me?,are you happy to hear my voice?" aka dad replied

"Nah not at all,we were really happy before we heard your voice and now the day is ruined thanks to you"I said

Jk chuckled after listening that

"U ungratefull dumbheads listen to me I have a news" said with an angry tone

"I told you jk its going to be bad" I said this to jk

"Ugh!" Jk reacted

"Listen u both are my son unfortunately and I have a great deal for you both,I want you to get married to mr.park's son" said

"And how thats gonna benifit us"jk said

"Mr.park is really rich and he is a mafia too joining forces with him is only gonna benifit you" replies

"And tell us how that's gonna benifit you" I said

"You really know me too well" said

"We are unfortunately your blood so ofc we know you and now get over it and tell us how its gonna benifit you?"jk said

"Mr.park is my old friend and I owe him one so if joining forces is gonna help out with his enimies then thats how I repay" tells us about his selfish motive

"And how are you doing this without anything else in return from him" I said

"Well he has something that he will give me after,just say yes because your sales will only increase when they join you and its just contract,you can break it off whenever you want"said

"We will see now bye old man"jk said and I hung up the call

Call ended*

"Ughhhhhh,wtf is wrong with him like after doing so much to us he thinks we will agree to this"I said

Jk stays quiet

"Whats wrong jk"I asked

"What if we approach mr.park about that thing that the old bastard is desperate to have,maybe it is connected to our past coz he would have never called us if it wasn't that important"Jk said

"Yeah you are right,he would never call us if it wasn't that important,he is trying to play us as pawns in this game but what he doesn't know is we rule this game because we are the kings here"I replied with a smirk

"I am going to my office to get some information about mr.park I will see you later in evening with the information at our house"Jk said with an evil smirk and left

                        .      .      .     .      .


I was chilling in my room,suddenly I heard a knock and I opened the door and saw my dad,his face was a little tensed

"Son,I am sorry"dad said with guilt in his eyes,now I think he has a real bad news

"Dad what happened"I asked worriedly

"Son I arranged your marriage with my old friend's son, I know you are too young for that but our company was in crisis and If I have not done that we would be homeless,I know I am the worst father,if there was anyway to get us out of this situation I would have done that" dad replied with tears in his eyes

I was really shocked for a moment I didn't know how to process everything,I don't know what to say,I was completely speechless until dad spoke again

"Son pls say something"

"Dad its alot to process right now and trust me no matter what happens you are not the worst father and I am trying my best to understand your situation"I said that but deep down it hurts as hell knowing I will have to move away with someone I don't even know,who knows he might abuse me or something

"Son,I know u are thinking about your safety its a contract and in that ur safety will be assured and no one lays a hand on you"dad said,he just knows me so well

"But what if he doesn't let me have my freedom"I replied

"Son I forgot to tell you he is not a single he" dad said

"Dad what are you even saying"I am hella confused rn

"You are marrying two guys's two son,they both are step brother's and both are running the richest companies"dad explained

"Dad are you for real there are two people I am marrying what if they gang up on me,what if something happens to me" now I am losing it like two unknown man

"Son relax I told you they will not hurt you its just a contract it will be over soon once are company is financially stable and its gonna big wedding not with many people but still with some powerful people"dad again explained

"When will be the wedding?"

"In next three weeks I hope you prepare your self and now I have to leave for a meeting bye son take care and again I am sorry"he left

What the actual heck is going on in my lyf like wtf married to strangers who I don't even know,I have further studies,what if I fall in love with someone else what the heck man,I am gonna go crazy damn it man,I can't even say no or else I will loose everything

To be continued.......

English is not my first language so ignore the grammatical mistakes

Its a short part but I hope you like it

Have a nice day!!

Have a nice day!!

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