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Jimin's POV

Me and hobi went towards the crowd to see who it was and I am fcking shocked to see who it was and I just made an eye contact with them and quickly turned away and suddenly I heard someone's deep voice

Tae's POV

Me and JK came to our school which we owned and to our shock we realised jimin studied in our business school and we came today to the school for some paperwork, as always we are crowded by random people fangirling/fanboying over us and some passing us judgemental looks and some being scared,and then we saw Jimin with some dude of his age,as jimin saw us he made an eye contact with us and quickly turned his back on us,I quickly spoke in my deep voice "Where are you going little Jimin"

Jimin turned towards me,now he is facing me and jk and spoke "what did u just call me" he said in an angry tone to be honest he looked so cute

Jk muttered from behind that was audible to Jimin "tae you are dead meat",jimin replied to jungkook "u are so damn correct man"

"What did I even do"I said in a calm tone "you want public embarrassment or u wanna continue this in private"Jimin spoke,
Jk again from the side said "guys in private"
Then me,jk,jimin and that guy jimin went to an empty classroom

"What did you even call me before"jimin said in a sulky tone,Now I don't know what to do,should I be scared or should I be pulling his cheeks for being this cute,I guess I should choose the third option and simply ans,I spoke " I called you little Jimin",jimin widened his eyes and replied while relaxing himself "not everything is little like your dick sir,I am 5'9 for your information"he said in a sassy tone,jk from the side again commented "damn,that was brutal",Jimin chuckled at JK's commented and replied to him " I am starting to like you mr.jeon"after listening to this comment jk winked at him like lol wtf am I doing here,I spoke "Now I would love to continue calling you Lil jimin and about my dick we can see that whenever you want and I can prove you wrong about my dick for sure"I said with a smirk

Suddenly that guy spoke who was with jimin "Jimin let's go home if you are done,Lunch is over"

Jk interrupted them by saying "who is he?",
Jimin replied in a cute tone"that's my best friend jhope",now jhope spoke with a energetic tone"I am your hope,you are my hope,I am jhope"

I spoke "Jimin now we are here I have to tell you that we have a meeting this evening so u should be there"that jhope guy again spoke "dude we are going to the club this evening"jimin spoke "sorry hobi we will go some another day bcoz you know this is about my life"jhope just nodded

"Btw today taemin will come to the club too"jhope continued "but it's okay it's about ur life,I totally understand" said in a teasing tone

"Wtf,fck life,who cares about life I am going to the club,let's go"jimin said excitedly

Me and jk said in unison "what the actual-"

Jhope interrupted"Don't say the holy word guys, anyway jimin where are you going rn I said tonight not now"

"man I can't wait now,I wanna meet him now"jimin whinned

"U have a meeting,U can not go" jk said with a stern voice

"but u can discuss stuff with my father,he will tell me later"Jimin replied

"It's about your life not ur father's,so ur presence there is mandatory"I said in my deep voice

"Aishh... What time is the meeting"he replied annoyed

"11 pm it's late coz we have some important business before that"jk said

"Hobaa what time taemin is coming?"jimin asked jhope guy and he replied "around 9:30 I guess"

"That's easy I'll go to the club at 9:30 and will be back around 10:45 so I can attend the meeting,simple!"jimin said with a sigh

"No" Jk & me said in unison again

"Pretty please"jimin said in a cute voice with puppy eyes

Me and jk sighed,looking at each other and then jk nodded

"Okay u can go" I spoke

"Finallyyyyyyyy mannnn"Jimin said jumping around in happiness just like a kid who jumps around when he gets his favourite candy

To be continued-

Next chapter lil sneak peak:

"What the hell happened to him"jk and tae asked in deep concerned voice

"Tae tae u so pretty cute and u kookie u look like a Lil cute bunny I wish I can hug u daily"Jimin said

Sorry for being this late

Sorry for being this late

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