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Skip to night time

-In club-

Jimin came to the club with jhope around 9:20 and waited for taemin till 10:30

Jimin's POV

"He is not gonna come,right?" I asked with a sad smile

"I am sorry dude,I didn't know that bastard would ditch today"Jhope said with an apologetic look

"It's okay,it's not your fault,nothing new happened,he always does that,always knows how to fcking ruin my mood and this is the last time I will let him ruin my mood,now let's drink and have fun"I said with a blank face

Jimin's POV end

Around 11:30*

Jimin was so drunk that he couldn't even walk straight but jhope was in his senses and drove jimin back to the park mansion

At park mansion-

Jk's POV

Me,tae and mr.park were waiting for jimin to come and suddenly the front door opens with a drunk jimin and hoseok helping him to stand,mr.park was shocked asf

"What the hell happened to him"tae and I asked in deep concerned voice

"Tae t-tae u so prewwtty cute and u k-kookie u l-look like a Lil cute b-bunny I wish I can hug u daily"Jimin said with a cute stammering drunk voice

Me and tae tried not to smile to his cute lil compliments

"I-I am r-really swwrrryy that I-I c-came late but that's n-not m-my f-fault r-really"jimin looked like a baby while saying that

"Cute"tae whispers which made me chuckle a little

"Jhope what happened to him?" Mr.park asked

"Mr.park taemin again"jhope replied

"I am gonna kill that boy for real"mr.park said angrily

"Over my dead body"Jimin spoke

"Who is taemin?"tae asked,lord thank him or else I would have died in curiosity

Jhope replied "Playboy, he is playing with jimin's feelings since high school",after listening to jhope,I heard small sobs,I looked around and saw jimin sobbing,after seeing him in that condition I felt a pang in my heart then I saw taehyung's eyes looking at jimin with care and softness

"I am gonna go now,I have a family function to attend,Take care jimin" jhope wiped jimin's tears and hugged him "call me whenever u need me and I am sorry I can not stay with you right now,I will come tomorrow with jin Hyung" with that jhope left

"Jimin let's go to ur room"Mr.park spoke but then he got a call and told me & taehyung to take jimin him to his room and then mr.park excused himself

"Cute baby" I spoke and tae spoke "he is really cute and behaves like a child"

Then we both turned and saw jimin sleeping on a couch like a cute lil baby,I am gonna have a heart attack from this much cuteness

"I am picking him up" tae spoke with puppy eyes that I can not resist so I responded with "sure but next time I will" and tae agreed

Before tae could pick him up mr.park came with a worried face,I asked "what happened mr.park"

"I have an urgent work to do and for that I have to go to japan for a week"he replied

"So is jimin going with you?" Tae asked coldly

"No I don't want him to get involved in dangerous business,so I am asking u a big favour can u stay with him for a week,just for his safety and I trust u with his life"mr.park explained

"Sure he can, as the deal said we ensure his safety and we are no harm as u know we won't do anything to him without his permission and u have cameras and all too" I assured mr.park jimin's safety and he sighed in relief

"I have to go now so are u going to take him with u or are u gonna stay here" he enquired

"We will stay here for tonight and then we will take him to our mansion,u don't have to worry about him" Tae said in his deep voice

"Keep him safe" With that mr.park left

Then tae picked jimin up in bridal style and went to jimin's room and I went to call our bodyguard to bring our stuff from the mansion

Tae's POV

I laid jimin on his bed,he looked like an angel while sleeping,he looked unreal that cute button nose,milky skin with pink plump lips,the urge to taste his lips but I controlled because as me and jk gave our word that we won't do anything without his permission

My thoughts were interrupted when jk entered the room

"He is so pretty , sleeping like an angel"jk spoke

"I know right"I replied

After 10 mins our clothes arrived,me and kook both changed into pajamas and drifted to sleep while hugging jimin

To be continued...

Next chapter's lil sneak peak

Jimin: what the fck

Jk: what happened angel

Tae: why are u swearing love


Sry people for posting this late,I have been busy because of my exams

Sry people for posting this late,I have been busy because of my exams

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