Chapter 5: Questions over questions

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3rd Person Pov:

The water hashira was sitting near the pond again. He had left Uzui's estate two hours ago and was now thinking about everything that had happened recently. He had three main questions:

1. Who saved him from drowning?

2. Was it really his Giyuu's haori?

3. If it was, then where did that person get it from and what did they want?

His pondering was cut short when he felt something tingling in his veins and jumped up.

'My brother-senses are tingling' is all he thought whilst his body started moving on his own.

Sabito didn't get far before his crow flew towards him, screaming "Caw caw, caw caw, head to the master's estate, caw caw!"

The man paused for a few seconds, then turned around and hurried where he was told to go.

~timeskip brought to you by my laziness~

Sabito's Pov:

Great. Just great!

I was now on my way to mount natagumo, Kochou following behind. "Sabito, slow down. What's the hurry?"

I looked back at her, smiling as she always was and smiled back because I did not know how to explain to her that there were two children on that mountain that I would light up the whole world in flames for; and that's on being the water hashira.

Soon, we arrived and split up.

I found Inosuke fighting with a really ripped demon. Since the kid was obviously struggling and I really wanted to find my kids, I just chopped the demon's head off and checked Inosuke over for injuries.

He didn't have any so I continued my search for the siblings, ignoring his demand to fight him.

It didn't take long for me to find them. I wished I had arrived earlier so they wouldn't have gotten hurt. But I had to help them and I willed the guilt  away for now.

The little spider demon was the lowermoon one and I decided to do this quickly so the kids could be taken care of as soon as possible.

Just before I got to slice off his head, something- no, someone- caught the blade?!

Before I could blink, they were both gone.

I stood there for a minute, confused and not knowing what just happened. Who was that? Is it possible to catch a nichirin blade without it cutting through your hands? What the fuck?


My kids!

I turned around so fast, I almost got whiplash, picked them up and brought them to the butterfly estate, hoping Koucho was already there...

~another timeskip! But I'll use this one to explain that there's no hashira meeting since Sabito already talked with the master about the siblings directly after he met them.~

3rd Person Pov:

"Nooooooooooo don't go! My little munchkadees!" Could be heard through the entire estate.

In the yard, you could see a grown ass man running towards two kids and hugging them.

A mentally exhausted Aoi was standing behind them, shaking her head.

It has been a few weeks since meeting the lowermoon and Tanjiro finally got back to full health. Now he already had to go on another mission?

"I don't care that Rengoku's with them! Stupid mission, why can't he follow the trail while I go with them?"

Now Shinobu appeared too. She took one look at Sabito holding the confused children and decided that, nope, she wasn't dealing with that.

After some convincing from Aoi and the reassurance from Tanjiro that they were gonna be fine, Sabito grumpily went to get ready for his own mission. But not without saying goodbye to his kids first!

"Do you have your sword?"

"Yes, Sabito."


"Yes, Sabito."

"What about the train tickets? Don't forget the train tickets! And don't forget Zenitsu, he tends to get lost sometimes-"

"Sabito! We'll be fine, don't worry!"


"*sobs* I'm going to miss yooooou! Take good care of him, you hear me Nezuko? And you take good care of your sister, Tanjiro!"

A last group hug that Zenitsu (and eventually Inosuke) joined and the kids were on their way.

"They grow up so fast" Sabito sobs as Shinobu drags him away from the train station.

AN: Sorry this took so long TwT
I genuinely don't have a good reason this time.

I do have a reason for this chapter to be so short and shitty! But eh, it's not that important.

Anyways! It's gonna get juicy next chapter. Warning, please don't mistake juicy for spicy, this isn't that kind of fanfic, thank you.

I love it when authors write the song/-s they listened to while writing the chapter in the AN, since listening to that song makes the chapter so much better (in my opinion). Should I do that too? Would anyone be interested in that? I do make chapter notes and pick a fitting song before writing every chapter.

Well, that's it!

Have a nice idk,


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