Chapter 14

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The two of them weren't wrong when they talked about having a long few days ahead of them. The number of events that took place between the both of them started to seem uncountable.

It started with the funeral for Caitlyn's father, Katerina did a beautiful job in planning it so soon. It was private and serene, close friends her father had put in his will to be there attended, as well as a few acquaintances Cait felt were meant to be there too. Violet was unfortunately not able to attend with her, she was off figuring the working situation between Orela and her out. As well as packing her stuff up to move into the castle. So Caitlyn instead sought refuge in Jayce as a shoulder to lean on during the endeavor. Luckily at this event she didn't have to make a speech, no one expected her to, in such a state of grief. Or at least what they believed to be a state of grief since her father died, of course they didn't know any better.

Though that changed at the repast, the public affair where everyone who wished could visit his grave for the first time. Caitlyn was advised to speak there, only two days after he was put six feet under. It would help show empathy and respect to the people of her kingdom, so she did it. At least this time Violet was able to join her, though this time she was in royal garbs. Dressed as her personal guard, five feet behind her. Sure her presence alone was helpful, but it was no way near consoling enough. Still she stood up to that mic and gave her piece on her father, though most of it talked about him in her first seven years of life and nothing much after. She did include a small ending talking about how he would be missed to try and emphasize the fact that she was not elated he passed.

"May he rest in peace as I take his place as the new ruler of this wonderful kingdom. To my citizens, I wish you the best of lives, prosperous businesses, and little tears. Unless they are filled with joy."

She finished her speech with a small bow and left the stage, Vi keeping a distance between the two of them as Cait made her rounds. It felt like forever until they were able to leave towards the castle again and find asylum in its walls. Yet that time to spend in each other's company was cut short by exhaustion from the day long event from before. By the next morning it was pure work, no time for a breakfast together, or lunch for that matter. Caitlyn was planning her coronation with Katerina and some others, while Vi and Kyler moved the late king's belongings out of his room.

It was the largest bedroom in the castle and tradition for the ruler to live within it, not only that but many of the windows faced south. Which meant, without the dreadfully dull curtains covering them, the one residing in there would have a steady amount of sun all day. That in itself meant a great deal to getting work done and growing indoor plants, along with many other qualities enhancing its greatness. But Caitlyn did not want it, she found shelter in the room she grew up in, not the one her father graced in her presence. So she chose to turn half of it into a greenroom, plants would scatter near every window. It would be repainted and redecorated to have a much more cheerful tone before Miss Katerina took the rest of it as her own room. For it was in Caitlyn's best interest to have her close enough and on hand whenever she needed the older woman.

As for Vi, she would bring her belongings to live in Caitlyn's room apparently. Caitlyn had decided that much with little explanation, but Vi wasn't going to oppose it. Because of the move, she had decided to only take extremely important jobs for Mother Orela anymore, seeing the royal position more important. Though she of course did not want to cut ties with the queen of the underworld all together. And like the morally good person Orela had always been, she couldn't agree more. She always had wanted Vi to be happy, nothing more since Violet was a teenager. So seeing her ask for her blessing of sorts to move onto her next chapter of life, gave her a feeling of content. It was a no brainer to let her go, she could always find another assassin in the mix of the undertow.

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