Athena, Listen To Me!

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A few weeks after the water park things had been going smoothly, I was still training privetly with Silver and Suzanne. My hands were bruised and bloody almost all the time.

Currently, they were blue and purple and I was walking through the store, when I saw Jace, Tilly right behind him, messing with him. I knew Jace could handle himself, shit he didn't need me to protect him but I wanted so badly to beat the shit out of her. I winced as I tried to restrain myself. Beating people shitless wasn't the answer, and I needed to understand that. I looked back over and saw Jace shove Tilly off him, before storming up to the front of the store, paying for his items and walking out. I let out a sigh of relief and went back to shopping.

"Athena." Someone called.

I turned to look, and saw Tory looking at me, her eyes wide and upset. I was surprised to see her, not really having hung around with her much anymore.


Tory walked towards me, her voice going down into a whisper. "Athena, I need to talk to you about the tournament."

I smiled at her slightly. "What about it?"

"Silver..." Tory's voice dropped lower. "Silver paid off the ref. He paid for you to win."

I stopped, staring at Tory. What the hell did she mean? Why the fuck, would Silver pay for my win?

"What the fuck did you say?" I asked.

Tory's face fell, and she seemed to realize what she said. "Athena-"

"No, what the fuck did you just say?" I asked again.

"Athena, look," Tory said. "I know you don't want to believe it-"

"Its not that I don't want to believe it, its not fucking true."

Tory's face twisted into a scowl as she hissed out, "Athena, listen to me!"

"Just fuck off Tory," I hissed, shoving past her. 

"Athena, come on."

"Just fucking leave me alone!" I snapped.

I walked to the front of the store, angrily scanning my items, before storming out of the store and began walking home. I shook my head as I thought of what Tory said.

"What a fucking liar," I mumbled.

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