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Athena quickly switched legs, and kicked Matilda in the jaw.

"Winner, LaRusso!"

Sam cheered loudly and ran out onto the mat, Miguel and Robby following.

"You did it!" Sam cheered. "You won!"

I made my way over to Athena, and she threw her arms around me. "I did it!"

"I'm so proud of you Athena!" I said.

She smiled widely at me and hugged me tighter. We finally calmed down and now we all waited to see who would get into the Sekai Taikai. 

"We've reached an agreement," the head board member said. "As expected, we were very impressed with the skills, precision, discipline and hearts of the new Sekai Taikai qualifier. Cobra Kai."

Everyone deflated, and Athena's mode completely dropped. 

"And as for our other dojo, we admired your unusual mix of styles and underdog spirit. And we think you could be a unique addition to the competition. Therefore, we've decided that your dojo has also qualified."

We all started cheering again and I felt Athena slip away from and began walking out.


I had set the trophy down and headed towards the exit, taking off the top part of the Miyagi-Do gi. As I walked out, I felt a hand harshly grab my brown curls and drag me to a closed off part. I gasped, and kicked my leg out, but it did nothing. I swung my elbow into the person's gut, which made them grunt and let me go. I rubbed my head and turned to glare at...Rider?

"What the hell are you doing?" I demanded.

"Why the hell did you fight for Dad?"

I didn't say anything, and Rider stepped closer. "You're always the first to complain about how Dad is an absolute bitch, but the moment you get a chance, you ditch us for him?"

"I quit because-"

"Because you're a weak pussy." He hissed.

I clenched my jaw, but turned my head away. I had never seen Rider act like this before.

"You're a disappointment," He said. "A real big disappointment."

Normally, that would have gotten to me, and I would fought that I wasn't a disappointment, but Dad's words rang through my head. I'm so proud of you, Athena! He was proud. I made my dad fucking proud of me! Who gave a shit on what Rider, or Silver thought? I did the one thing I had worked my whole life for. I shook my head, not answering Rider, and leaving him to yell angrily behind me.

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