Theft & Murder

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At the Gotham Grand Hotel in downtown, Prof. Harker has settled into his hotel suite, courtesy of Gotham University. He sits by himself on his chair, watching something on his flat screen television. The old professor is also sipping on a nice glass of Scotch on the rocks. Everything is absolutely quiet, until the knocking at the door.

Outside, a voice is heard saying, "Housekeeping, Senor".

The voice sounds to be a bad imitation of a Mexican woman. Prof. Harker turns to his door and looks a bit confused at the idea of housekeeping making a call this late in the night. He sets his glass down and walks to the door.

He gets close to the door and speaks to whoever outside, "Isn't it a little late in the evening to make a housekeeping call, madam"?

Harker opens the door, and we see Marcos Rosado standing in front of him and he speaks in the bad Mexican woman's voice, "Not at all, Senor".

Suddenly, Marcos throws a fist right into the Professor's face. Harker falls to the floor. Marcos and his brother Jorge quickly run into the suite and look around for what they can find.

Marcos says, "Spread out and look for it! The boss said it's here somewhere".

Marcos looks into the closet, while Jorge looks into the suitcase on Harker's bed. He rips it open and throws all the clothes out. Suddenly, he pulls out a gold urn from inside the suitcase. The urn is decorated with priceless gems, and it's all covered in engraved Latin letters.

Jorge shouts, "I found it, bro"!

Jorge hauls ass out of the room, with the urn. Marcos follows, but suddenly, Marcos is punched in the face, and he spits out blood. He is then tackled to the ground, by Harker. He begins wrestling around the floor with the Latino man, until Harker is the first to get back on his feet. Harker grabs Marcos by the throat and pins him to the wall. Harker glares into Marcos' eyes. Suddenly, Marcos kicks the old man in the knee, which then causes Harker to lose his grip on Marcos. Then, Marcos pulls out a Stiletto knife from his pocket and lunges at the professor with it. The blade pierces through the old man's stomach. Undeterred by the bladed weapon, Harker continues to fight. Harker is not going down easily, so Marcos stabs him over and over again until finally Harker falls to the ground, bleeding out. Marcos withdraws his knife into his pocket. Suddenly, Jorge runs back in and immediately spots the dying professor.

Jorge looks absolutely shocked, and he turns to Marcos and says, "That wasn't part of the plan, motherfucker"!

Marcos replies, "I had no choice. He was putting up a fight"!

Jorge looks down to the professor and shakes his head and responds, "Whatever, man. The boss is not going to like it. Let's get out of here"!

Marcos and Jorge haul ass out of the suite, with the urn in their possession. Thomas Harker is lying still on the floor, with blood slowly pouring out from every wound in his belly. The TV continues to play whatever it is that it is showing, but dead men don't watch TV.

Back at police headquarters, Giordano finishes up his interview with Keith Noonan. He comes out of the interrogation room and joins up with Chief Ramirez and Commissioner Gordon.

Gordon says, "What did you find out, Scott"?

Giordano says, "Batman really scared this kid shitless, Commissioner".

Ramirez replies, "Tell us something we don't know, detective".

Giordano then chimes in, "Collins is double dealing weapons".

Ramirez and Gordon turn to look at Giordano. They are shocked.

Giordano says, "Noonan told me that Collins has been selling shipments of IRA guns to both Reinhardt and Sionis".

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