Death threats

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Riley's POV
The avengers had taken us back to Stark tower, I'm not exactly sure what they have planned for Bucky and I. We were put into a completely white room with a couple of beds. "So you guys will be staying here for a bit. We just want to have a little talk with little miss time over here" Iron man says, pointing at me. "Yeah, that's great. But who says I wanna talk to you?" I reply looking at them blankly. "Oh. We have our ways. You'll talk sooner or later" Quicksilver whispers into my ear, before speedily taking our handcuffs off and running out of the room. "Quick little shit." I mumble under my breath. "Everyone heard that kid." The black widow explains looking at me weirdly. I shrug. "This is boring, can I leave?" I question, moving towards the door. Sadly captain America stops me. "Uh no. You have to stay here." He states pushing me back slightly. I pout, Steve is mean. I skip towards hawkeye, and begin poking his face. He gives me an "are you fucking kidding me" look. Eventually he gets so pissed off, he grabs my arm. "Stop." I sigh dramatically. All these avengers are so boring. "How old even are you? Five?" Tony questions looking at me skeptically. "No dumbass I'm 17" I reply before jumping onto the bed and hugging a pillow. "You are the weirdest 17 year old I've ever met. Wait, you're underage how did you even get any alcohol?" Bruce asks looking a bit confused. "Oh these dudes bought some for me." I answer still hugging the pillow. Natasha suddenly walks forward, "the same guys you froze in time?" I stopped. No I don't wanna talk about this. I pull the pillow over my head, effectively blocking myself off from everyone else.

"Your Steve right? The guy from the bridge?" Bucky says, he's been so quiet these last few minutes. I wonder what he's been thinking about? "Yeah that's me." Steve says, looking at Bucky sadly. "I wanna talk to you." Bucky states plainly, his face completely blank. Steve nods, and gestures for Bucky to follow him. Bucky walks towards him, just as he was walking through the door he turned around and waved at me. I send him a smile as he walks out the room. "So you don't wanna talk to us. That's cool. Why don't we bring back Mr Maximoff, you seemed to really enjoy his company last time." Natasha says with a smile, before taking out her phone and texting who I presume to be the silver haired idiot.

Moments later, he appears in the room, and the rest of the avengers leave. "Hello Riley" he exclaims in a strange accent, I can't quite work out where it's from. Instead of replying I just throw a pillow at him, which sadly he catches with ease. "Well that was rude." He states, rolling his eyes. "I'm sure you'll cope." I mumble, starting to walk around the room. After a few minutes of him watching me with a confused expression, he decide to join me in my journey around the room. "You're a bit weird." Pietro states shaking his head. I stopped in my tracks, "and what makes you say that Mr douchebag?" I question, turning around to face him. "Firstly I do not appreciate the nickname, and secondly you act like a child!" He exclaims looking down at me with an amused expression. "You can't tell me how to live my life dumbass. You can't be much older than me anyway." I mumble, before walking towards the bed and collapsing face first on it. He immediately runs towards the second bed and lies down on it too, "I'm 19 actually. Aw is poor little baby Riley tired! Is it nap time? Want me to tell you a story?" He says mockingly. My rage was slowly building, I want to kill him. "Shut up" I exclaim, the anger in my voice rising. "No. How are you going to make me? You're just a pathetic girl who ran away from home." He said with a chuckle. "Right that's it you fucktard!" I screamed before lunging at him. I managed to land on his back, I positioned my arms over his neck. He tried to throw me off with his super speed, but I refused to let go. "Riley get off!" He shouts, clearly annoyed by my behaviour. I just chuckled in response, and tightened my hold on his neck. A few seconds later the rest of the avengers and Bucky run into the room, their eyes widen in shock as they assess the situation. Bucky quickly runs up behind me and rips me away from Pietro. "What the hell where you doing?!" Bucky questions. "He was mocking me, and I got annoyed." I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest. At this point quicksilver had recovered slightly, and was glaring at me. "Pietro I think you should go" Steve states, directing him towards the door. "Damn kid. We leave you alone for 5 minutes..." Tony mumbles. I roll my eyes and hide behind Bucky, trying to avoid their judging stares. Well this is awkward. Natasha walks towards Bucky with a bracelet looking thing in her hands, and clint walks closer to me holding the same looking device. They attach the strange bracelets to our wrists, and lock them in place. "These basically just make sure that you stay in the tower, if you exit the tower an electrical pulse will be sent through the bracelet, rendering you unconscious" Bruce explains, looking at us guiltily. Great so now we can't even leave this damned place. "That can't be legal!" I exclaim, unsure of how electrifying people would be considered safe. Tony shrugs, wow helpful. I wonder how Bucky's dealing with this? As I look up to him I noticed the steel hard expression on his face, well someone's a bit annoyed... "So we can go anywhere in the tower?" I question, trying to find a way out of this situation. Bruce nods in response. Great. Tony probably has some tools somewhere...

I move from my position behind Bucky, and head towards the door. The avengers look at me skeptically, "we just going to let her walk around?" Clint exclaims. "Well she can't go anywhere, we might as well." Natasha replies, shrugging. I giggle as I skip out the room. Now... Where would Stark keep all of his techno shit? Basement maybe? Let's investigate. Detective mode activated. A few minutes later, I had tripped down a flight of stairs which had lead to Tony's supply of iron man suits, and I assume he should have some tools down here. Eventually I spot a table which seemed to have an interesting looking device on it, it looked like a super drill, hmmm might as well try it. I position it in the middle of my bracelet and start the machine, it seems to be starting to have an effect on the device. A small dent appears, then the bracelet turns blue and an intense pain appears, starting from my wrist and travelling up my arm and all the way through my body. "Well shit" I mumble as I drop the drill and begin to lose consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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