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The wind blew wiped through the air harshly, dragging dirt and debris across the bland deserted wasteland. It was oddly quite, too quite. It felt foreign, different even. Layers of dust sat upon rusted out sheets of metal, broken down sheets of wood, on top of left-to-rot canned foods. It sat there, untouched for years. The once green and proud statue, now sat shattered. Left for despair and anguish to take over its once relished forms.

"What Y/N?"

"Mikey's making another portal, you should come see!"

The once beautiful city, now turned to mere piles of rubble and trash. Lakes now replace the once busy streets, having always been jammed with seemingly no end. But now, its no more than murky water. Never clean enough to drink, but still clear enough to see through. Trash occasionally floated by, from broken hats to pieces of old wiring. Serving no more than an inconvenience to no one.

"Y/N, as much as I'd love to, I'm busy."


"I know what you're going to say, but I just can't. You know we can't go back now..."

The housing that used to belong to so many beloved families, from son and daughters, to cats and mice, now fallen into no more than large piles of rubles. Only the strongest buildings stand, having held survivors until the very end of their fought out days. Old make-shift tents lay about the floor and window-sills. Wind having knocked them over, over time. Empty cans once full with fresh veggies, now strewn about lifelessly.

"Donnie... I miss the old times.. I miss being able to run around freely and being able to explore!"

"I know, I know! But.. there's nothing we can do about it. Everything is set in stone now."

"Why can't you just give some hope to this?!"

Now, New York lays unmoving. The once busy city, now lay decollate and abandoned. Alas, they had won. The flags waved, all have been gone but one. The winners. The ones that beat it all. They stand beyond the tower, victorious and grim smiles bound almost eternally on their face. Upon a stake as blue, red, purple, orange, and another color unidentifiable by the layed of dirt and grime piled upon it, pieces of fabric tied to it. Flowing in the hot wind as if a flag.

"Because! Thats not what I'm about! I can't go about believing we can go back in time and change things!"

"Donatello, there is always a chance!"

"There was never a chance! And you know it! As much as I love you Y/N, I can't do this with you!"

"I'm doing it."

"Don't you dare."



Nothing has been the same and it seems it never will be.

A/N: Welcome to my first ever story here! I'm Blue!This will be half based around the movie, but also more of my own story lines with episodes and such. I will always take constructive criticism and tips of any sorts, especially since this is my first time ever publishing my writing. I hope you do enjoy!

- Blue :]

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