I love you, but whats your name?

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I can't get Jordan out of my head, it's bean a month, I know I should be over him, I try. I think of all the suck-ass stuff he did to me while we dated. Not alot consittering we only dated for exactly a month. He broke up with me on our one month, over Kelly's facebook. While I was in the phone with him. But it turns out his mom forced him to break up with me. But he didn't tell me that. I never will understand how he felt about me because apperntly he talked about how much he liked me to EVERYBODY. And how he asked me to the semi and the way he danced with me... Lets talk about our story before we get into anymore detail....

I had Kelly's iPod (she is like my bestest friend ever. EVER.) I was sitting down on this cement seat thing and Kelly stood up to talk to Jordan because he was waiting for his bus like us. He started to talk about me..

"Who's that girl, she's hot" or was it beautiful, I don't remember...

"That's jessi, she's such a sweetheart!"

The next day Kelly told me all about that weird encounter. I couldn't stop blushing because he was the sexiest guy I have ever laid eyes on. Spiked up blonde hair, basketball captain, but only slightly taller then me. Big blue eyes and the sweetest face ever! True hottie he was. And he liked me!!! Wow!

So we started to talk and stuff, but he was a grade lower then me, 8. But he was a couple months older then me ....or something.... So I could never see him, only like 15 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the afternoon.

I had my cozens jacket on and I found candies in the pocket so I gave one to Jordan, one to Kelly and plopped one in my mouth. I had no clue why but Kelly said she had to go and that she would be right back so she left me and Jordan alone together. It was hot so I was going to take off the jacket. I put my bookbag between my legs and unzipped it and was in the proses of stuffing my jacket in it when Jordan speaks up..

"Soo, um.. Yeah do you want to go to semi with me?"

It cough me so off guard, sparks erupted in my stumic and I blushed and my world span, I also started to choke on my candy. I didn't want him to see I was in pain so I just looked at him, back at my bag and back at him. Then I relies I must have bean giving him a really dirty look cause I couldn't breath and my face was scrunched up in a big not. I looked up at him and nodded my head hard and fast while making this god awful sound. I didn't know it would happen but the movement if my head nodding dislodged the Candy and it was back in my mouth. Thank god. Jordan threw his head back and turned to his friends..

"I thought she was going to say no! I thought you where ganna say no!" He turned to me as he said the last part.

What a day.

I got ready at Kelly's for the semi, her mom did my hair in a pretty brade. I wore a tight cocktail dress that just passed my bum, then flirted out with a small tail at the side that swayed when I walked. I wore white eyeshadow that made the green pop out of my eyes and when I took my hair out it waved all down my back.

Jordan was soo late for the dance I thought he wasn't ganna show up. But he did and he looked sexy in his half tux thing, white dress shirt, dress pants, and black shoos, and a simple grey tie. The whole time he had his hands around my waist just swaying to the beat of the music. He adviously did not know how it was done. I thought it was cute.

Rupert saw us dancing, he has the biggest crush on me ever. He threatened to beat the shit outta him. I would not let that happen to him. Until he told all the guys that he was friends with to beat him up. I started to cry cause these people where also my friends as they where ganna beat up the guy I really liked. I didn't know how to handle the situation so I cried. Jordan took my shoulders and looked me in the eyes and hollered over the music, pointing at a boy that Lila was dancing with and a bunch other people I didn't know and said this..

"See all these people? They won't let anything happen to me, I promise." I looked over in his eyes and he repeated himself "I promise"

I stopped crying and just hugged him.

He said I was a really good slow dancer, he would call me beautiful, almost everyday, he hugged me from behind, but it took alot of convincing to get him to touch me. He thought I would freak out and leave him.


Yeah. We never kissed the month we dated. I didn't mind. I would rather have a guy that was willing to take it very slow then a guy that only wanted a relationship that went fast. I just wouldn't be comfortable.

He was special to me, really special.

In math I felt sick, I was having a major panic attack so Kelly took me to the bathroom. My head span and the walls caved in on me. Once I calmed down we where going to go back but Jordan was on his break. As I was walking down the hall when he ran out to see me. His arms wrapped tightly around me. I felt loved, happy, the one in millions, special. But once he let go I felt worthless.

He was so excited to see me, it made sparks rumble up in my tummy. But suddenly a wave of sickness erupts in my guy and I ran to the fountain and let the water overlap my tung and I swish it around in my mouth.

When I came back I said goodbye to Jordan and kelly and I leave.

When I'm back in my seat in math Kelly goes to her locker and gets out a bottle of juice and asks if her and abbi can go fill it up. When they come back they tell me that they talked to Jordan and how he Said that he wished I was with them so he could see me. That secretly tickled me.

A couple days later I invited kelly over for the weekend and it was mine and Jordan's one month at the time to but Jordan wasn't at school, he was sick. Well that's what his younger brother said, and he also said that he didn't even look sick.

Back home with Kelly I called Jordan, well Kelly did. I couldn't talk at first because I was folding cloths and putting it into my dresser. Once I was done I took the phone from her. He barley talked to me because he was playing mind craft.

That's normal right? boys and their video games?


I didn't see Jordan as being that type though.

So after awhile I hear his mom talk to him, then he said he had to go. I almost said happy one month, I Almost said I love you. I'm fucking glad I didn't!

Kelly looked at me with confusion written all over her face.


"He told me to check Facebook"

As soon as she said that my hands got clammy and fear rose up in my gut.

I didn't have wifi and the only thing that I could get Facebook on was my iPod. So me and Kelly went outside to the end of my driveway and across the road because the people next door had wifi. The snow pelted my bare skin and the air froze the clamminess right off my skin.

Kelly looked from the iPod, to my face. Horror showed in her eyes. Sadness shortly took over as she took my hand and led me back into my warm cozy house. Back into my room she broke out the news. I just stared at her for a second, then sobs exploded out of my body and I fell to the ground in front of my bed.

"Jessica, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Forgive my please I'm sorry! So sorry!"

"It's okay,"

"I can leave if you want me to?"

"No kell, you can stay"

I cried and cried, for days and days.

I hope I'll get over him

I fell for this guy long and hard. And he cough me, but then tryed to let me down easily, that didn't happen. I landed with a thump, and broke my heart when I did.


Sorry this is short lovelys, I'm getting emotional.

I'll just say one more thing, if he's not worth it, he's not worth it. Don't get your head stuck around a guy like I did. I'm not saying its a guarantee that he will rip out your heart and stomp on it, I'm just Saying, watch yourself. I don't want you hurt <3

And for the boys... Girls can be bitches, you really have to dig for that treasure. But I promise you will find that diamond in the ruff. Now that's a guarantee

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