ꜱᴇʀɪᴀʟ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ

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SUMMARY: y/n goes over to Patrick's apartment to collect some things only to discover something more gruesome and horrifying.

(Also inspired by serial killer by Lana del Rey because I love her)

(Ik this is shite but oh well 😀)


I was on my way over to patricks place to grab some of my clothes that I had left the previous night. Me and Patrick have been dating for the past 7 months but have decided not to tell anyone as we both feared it might ruin our images. So due to that factor we both thought it would be best to keep our relationship a secret. I arrive at Patrick's apartment block and get out of the car, walking towards the entrance of the lobby. I enter to be greeted by the receptionist with a smile which I return back before entering the elevator and pressing the button to the floor of Patrick's apartment. when me and patrick had started out secret affair, he decided to give me a key to his apartment so i could come and go whenever i pleased or when he wanted to see me. but little did i know this time, when i opended that door i would be met with a horrifying site.

i reach into my pocket and pull out my keys, putting them into the key hole. I successfully unlock the door and make my way in quietly in order to not disturb Patrick incase he was home. I shut the door gently but my head snaps to the side of me when I hear a muffled voice coming from the living room.

"Do you have dog? A little chow or something?" I hear the laughter of someone coming from in front of me so I make my way towards where I assume Patrick and whoever this person is are. I quickly hide behind a wall and look out to see Paul? Why was he here? I though Patrick hated Paul and wanted him dead.

"No Allen."

Is that a raincoat?" Says the clearly intoxicated Paul. What is even happening right now.

"Yes, it is!" Patrick shouts before walking over to a shelf which holds one of his many CD collections. Wait is he wearing a raincoat? Why is he wearing that?

"In 87' Huey released this..." As he says that he puts in one of his CD'S in and 'hip to be square' starts to play.

"Four! Their most accomplished album, I think their undisputed master pieces. Hip to be square'." Patrick starts to do a little dance as he makes his way over to the kitchen and picks up something which I can't see due to my angle.

"A song so Catchy most people probably don't listen to the lyrics, but they should because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity or the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band it's self.." as Patrick says this I see him pull what seems to be an axe from his side and into his other hand.

"Hey Paul!" I see they unknowing man turn his head before screaming and the sight of blood filling my vision. I quickly duck back behind the wall as my breath becomes unsteady and I begin to panic. My boyfriend, Patrick Bateman, just killed some right Infront of me without even knowing I was there. My Patrick was a fucking murderer. I continue to hear the sounds of the axe swing down onto the what I assume now dead body of Paul Allen.

"TRY GETTING A RESERVATION AT DORSIA NOW YOU FUCKING STUPID BASTARD!" Is the last thing I hear before the sound of the axe being dropped onto the floor rings out throughout the apartment. I try to calm down but nothing seems to work and after a few minutes I decide to look back out and see Patrick smoking a cigar and my assumption of Paul being correct. My thoughts a soon cut short when I look back up from the dead man to see Patrick staring right at me. I flee back behind the wall as my heart beats faster and faster. I close my eyes as tears start to fall from them.

"Y/n.." I feel a hand on my cheek as I open my eyes slowly to be meet with those of Patrick's. His face is covered in blood and his hair disheveled.

"Oh pumpkin what's wrong?" He questions as I open my mouth to answer but nothing comes out. I'm to shocked to say anything so I just start to sob violently. He notices this and pulls me into his chest. I felt repulsed but was to weak to fight back and just stayed there in his arms. We stay like this for a short while before he pulls away and grabs my face gently.

"I'm so sorry y/n. I'd never do anything to hurt you, you know that? Fuck this is so difficult to explain. Look, he was trying to hit on you it was clear as day and obviously I didn't like that so I got rid of him. For good." He says while looking at me with guilt and sadness in his eyes. I shouldn't be forgiving him for this. He just fucking murdered someone right INFRONT of me. But the way he was looking at me just made me cave in. I just nod and give him a small smile before he grins at me and crashes his lips onto mine. It was in that moment that I knew, no matter what this man did, whether that was murder, hurt, or 'get rid of' someone I'd still love him.


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