Chapter 7

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Shona POV✨

"I'd love to continue this conversation but I'm going out, need to go get ready. "
"Where you going"
"You don't need to know"
"I'm your twin, so i do"
I rolled my eyes "Dreace's"
"Ooo, imma help you get ready" she jumped up from the chair but ray held her arm "Noo, don't go"
"Don't worry, I'll be back in abit"
She followed me to my room and sat on my bed.
"Why are you going Dreace's?"
"What do you mean"
"I mean i know you feeling Isiah so why you for Dreace of all people"
I was actually so baffed right now, why won't she want me with Dreace. Keisha said he was a good boy so why wouldn't cassandra want me with him.

Cassandra POV✨

I can see shona is proper confused rn. Keisha's day1, i've known her way longer then reshona but what she's doing to reshona is wrong. I had to tell cause if I didn't that would make me a fake friend.
"Basically keisha's been lying to you"
She raised an eyebrow "about what"
"Isiah's not a player, honestly you would care of you so much and i can tell you got him on lock already."
"So why would keisha tell me he'd hurt me"
"Cause her&isiah went out, they just broke up about a month ago but she's still slyly attached to him so she gets mad jealous and she would go through anything to keep you two apart"
That little bitch, how can you be so fucking desperate. like the boy don't like you...move on and get a life. She can get so much boys yet shes decides to obsess over Isiah.
"can i ask you something"
"Why did they break up"
"Keisha started acting up and stuff, then all of a sudden she asked for a break. During the break Isiah stayed loyal while keisha was beating daniell. Isiah got fed up and just ended it officially."
"So she said he'd hurt me, when she was the one who broke his heart."

I fully pissed off rn, I can't believe she'd do that i was proper starting to like that bitch...KMT

"Sorry I didn't tell you sooner, i was hoping keisha would come clean"
"Its kl"
She looked so angry so i went back downstairs to Raymone so she could have her space.

I went and snuggled on the chair with raymone while we was watching 'Think like a man too'


Shona came downstairs looking all dressed up.
"Okay guys, i'm gone"
"bye" me and ray said in unison, and we continued watching the movie. oh shit i forgot to tell about Dreace...ffs

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