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Ethan is a joy to see after all the angst of yesterday and the bad temper my boss is inflicting on me today, but all too soon, he's saying his good-byes.

"Will I see you this evening?"

"I'll probably stay with Jungkook." I flush.

"You have got it bad," Ethan observes good-naturedly.

I shrug. That's not the half of it, and in that moment I realize, I have it more than bad.

I have it for life. And amazingly, Jungkook seems to feel the same. Ethan gives me a swift hug."Laters, Lisa."

I return to my desk, wrestling with my realization. Oh, what I would do for a day on my own, to just think all this through.

"Where have you been?" Jack is suddenly looming over me.

"I had some business to attend to in reception." He is really getting on my nerves.

"I want my lunch. The usual," he says abruptly and stomps back into his office.

Why didn't I stay home with Jungkook? My inner goddess crosses her arms and purses her lips; she wants to know the answer to that one, too. Picking up my purse and my Blackberry, I head for the door. I check my messages.

From: Jeon Jungkook
Subject: Missing you

My bed is too big without you. Looks like I'll have to go to work after all. Even megalomaniac CEOs need something to do.


Jeon Jungkook
Twiddling His Thumbs CEO, Jeon Enterprises Holdings Inc.

And there's another from him, from earlier this morning.

From: Jeon Jungkook
Subject: Discretion

Is the better part of valor. Please use discretion... your work e-mails are monitored.


Yes. Shouty capitals as you say. USE YOUR BLACKBERRY.

Dr. Flynn can see us tomorrow evening.


Jeon Jungkook
Still Pissed CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

And an even later one... Oh no.

From: Jeon Jungkook
Subject: Crickets

I haven't heard from you. Please tell me you are okay. You know how I worry.

I will send Taylor to check!


Jeon Jungkook
Over-Anxious CEO, Jeon Enterprises Holdings Inc.

I roll my eyes, and call him. I don't want him to worry.

"Jeon Jungkook's phone, Andrea Parker speaking."

Oh. I am so disconcerted that it's not Jungkook who answers that it halts me in the street, and the young man behind me mutters angrily as he swerves to avoid bumping into me. I stand under the green awning of the deli.

"Hello? Can I help you?" Andrea fills the void of awkward silence.

"Sorry... Er... I was hoping to speak to Jungkook - "

"Mr. Jeon is in a meeting at the moment." She bristles with efficiency. "Can I take a message?"

"Can you tell him Lisa called?"

"Lisa? As in Lisa Manobal ?"

"Er... Yes." Her question confuses me.

"Hold one second please, Miss Manobal."

I listen attentively as she puts the phone down, but I can't tell what's going on. A few seconds later Jungkook is on the line. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

I hear the quick release of his held breath. He's relieved.

"Jungkook, why wouldn't I be okay?" I whisper reassuringly.

"You're normally so quick at responding to my e-mails. After what I told you yesterday, I was worried," he says quietly, and then he's talking to someone in his office.

"No, Andrea. Tell them to wait," he says sternly. Oh, I know that tone of voice.

I can't hear Andrea's response.

"No. I said wait," he snaps.

"Jungkook, you're obviously busy. I only called to let you know that I'm okay, and I mean that - just very busy today. Jack has been cracking the whip. Er... I mean..." I flush and fall silent.

Jungkook says nothing for a moment.

"Cracking the whip, eh? Well, there was a time when I would have called him a lucky man." His voice is full of dry humor. "Don't let him get on top of you, baby."

"Jungkook!" I scold him and I know he's grinning.

"Just watch him, that's all. Look, I'm glad you're okay. What time shall I collect you?"

"I'll e-mail you."

"From your Blackberry," he says sternly.

"Yes, Sir," I snap back.

"Laters, baby."


He's still hanging on.

"Hang up," I scold, smiling.

He sighs heavily down the phone. "I wish you'd never gone to work this morning."

"Me, too. But I am busy. Hang up."

"You hang up." I hear his smile. Oh, playful Jungkook. I love playful Jungkook.

Hmm... I love Jungkook, period.

"We've been here before."

"You're biting your lip."

Shit, he's right. How does he know?

"You see, you think I don't know you, Lalisa. But I know you better than you think," he murmurs seductively in that way that makes me weak, and wet.

"Jungkook, I'll talk to you later. Right now, I really wish I hadn't left this morning, too."

"I'll wait for your e-mail, Miss Manobal."

"Good day, Mr. Jeon."

Hanging up, I lean against the cold, hard glass of the deli store window. Oh my, even on the phone he owns me. Shaking my head to clear it of all thoughts Jeon, I head into the deli, depressed by all thoughts Jack.

He is scowling when I get back.

"Is it okay if I take my lunch now?" I ask tentatively. He gazes up at me and his scowl deepens.


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