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X Bélizaire's POV 

"If you stare at him any harder, you're going to get him pregnant." Wilder pointed out and stuffed a heaping forkful of baked potatoes in his mouth.

"Something tells me you've skipped one too many sex ed classes." I shot back and snorted at the way he scowled at my words. I still made sure to look away from Cole from time to time, because I didn't want anyone to get any wrong ideas.

"Seriously though, I don't get why you're so obsessed with them." Wilder knitted his eyebrows, while his eyes swiped over Declan and Cole. 

Noah nodded in agreement. I was still only getting the "hi" in the morning and, if I was lucky, a "bye" at the end of the school day from him. Looking at the bright side, it was a good counterbalance to Wilder's talkativeness.

"I'm not obsessed. I just.." I muttered and furrowed my brows trying to find the right words. "I don't get them."

"Does anyone?" Wilder snorted and flashed me a toothy grin. Then he furrowed his brows again, making me wonder how one could possibly have such an expressive face. "I swear Declan gets tenfold more annoying every year. It's like he thinks he can never be in the wrong because he's gay, like he's always the victim in every goddamn situation."

I could tell Wilder truly wasn't a fan of Declan, when just talking about him made Wilder's voice turn to acid. Has something happened between them as well? I wanted to ask him about it, but it didn't seem like the right time or place for a conversation like that.

"Uh-huh." I agreed, thinking that belonging to one minority didn't mean you couldn't still be, for example, an ableist jerk. Then I glanced at Cole again, and I had to ask: "And Cole?"

"What about him?" Wilder shot back another question.

"I don't know, like why is he following Declan around like a lapdog?" I sighed, waving my hand in the air out of frustration. I wasn't even sure why Cole's behaviour when Declan was around bothered me so much. 

Noah lifted his gaze from his plate. I could see a flicker of an emotion in his eyes, but it was gone before I could decipher what it was. Then he bit his lower lip and opted to take a sip from his juice instead. He shook his head slightly, as if deciding: nah, I'm so not getting involved in this.

"Beats me, but", Wilder halted to gesture to us that we should get going before the lunch break was over. "One thing I know for sure: if it ever comes to that, Cole will always choose Declan's side in the end. So think about that before getting any more involved with the guy."

"I'm not getting involved with anyone." I protested at his back. When Wilder just snorted at my words, I tried again: "Seriously, guys, I'm not. I'm just trying to prove a point to Cole, that's all."

"Yeah, yeah, don't think we haven't noticed the way you two flirt at each other just to prove that point." Wilder said, his tone amused, and turned to look at me over his shoulder. He even went as far as wiggling his eyebrows, which made Noah smile.

"Sex ed classes aren't the only thing you're missing, if that's your idea of flirting." I gave him an exaggerated eye roll and hastened my steps to walk next to him and Noah. 

We were still snickering and nettling each other when Declan and Cole walked past us. Declan was waving his hands in the air as he prattled happily at Cole, but he didn't hesitate to send one piercing glare my way. Seriously, what did I ever do to him?

Cole, on the other hand, only spared me a quick glance. He lifted his eyebrows, as if to ask: is there something on my face or what? When he tilted his head back to Declan, he looked like he was fighting a smile. I was probably imagining the whole thing, though, since the scowl made its way back to his face instead.

Nothing worth mentioning happened during the rest of the day. In fact, it was boring as hell. We were going through the basics of textile making, and although I was in the Art class, I didn't specifically enjoy that type of art. I was more into graphic design and art history, but hey, we couldn't just pick the knowledge we wanted and then think of building a career with all those holes in our expertise. 

"Can you give me a lift today?" Maddie chirped as soon as she spotted me coming out of the classroom. She parted from the group of other girls, who were all staring in my direction like I was some sort of a legend they had been hearing stories from all their lives. And, well, knowing Maddie, they had probably heard plenty of me.

"You know I can't, mom would kill me." I told her.

"She won't if we don't tell her." Maddie reasoned, twirling a lock of her long black hair around her finger.

"I also happen to know you can't lie for the life of you." It wasn't like we hadn't been through the same conversation a million times before.

Mom hated the idea of me having a motorcycle, but she had no other option than to give in once I saved the money for a used Honda CB125R and a driver license. That didn't mean she likes it, she has just learned to live with knowing I drive a two-wheeler. With one condition, of course: I was to never ever let Maddie ride with me.

"You're no fun." Maddie huffed and turned on her heels, stomping away to join her friends. Despite her occasional attitude, most of the time she's the sweetest little sister I could possibly have. 

"Ha, you know I am." I told her receding form, grinning happily when she turned to look at me over her shoulder and stuck out her tongue. "See you at home, sis."

I walked with Wilder and Noah to Noah's car, before parting from them to get to my bike. I twirled my keys around my finger, while picking up my helmet. I was about to put it on, when I noticed someone's gaze on me.

Cole was sitting on the passenger's seat of a car, giving me a curious look through the window. I smirked and lifted my eyebrows, mirroring his expression from earlier: is there something on my face or what? When Cole realized he had been spotted staring at me, he scowled and turned his gaze swiftly.

For some reason, when I put the helmet on and started the engine, I was in an extremely good mood. I couldn't stop grinning even as I drove past the car Cole was sitting in. 

I knew in an instant he was related to the girl behind the wheel from the dark curly locks of hair billowing her shoulders combined with the same pale skin. She was talking on her phone, which was why the car stood in the parking lot, and she was frowning. Not just related, but a sister? And why did they both look so damn familiar?


Question of the day:
Which words do you hate?

(Me: I know, I know, it's the very word most of the people can't stand.. but moist, just ugh. Also not a huge fan of the word titter.)

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