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X Bélizaire's POV

It was the second morning in my new school and so far nothing had gone as planned. I had already made two friends, which was a good thing, and two enemies, which truly wasn't.

I could remember Wilder's name, because he was the more outgoing and 'wilder' of my two friends. Although, in my head I still called him the freckle guy, because he had more freckles than I had ever seen on anyone.

Then there is Noah. I'm pretty sure that is his name. He has light blonde hair and even lighter blue eyes. I call him the quiet one, because I have only heard him say two words. Those were "Noah" and "hi", in case you're curious.

Despite the two visible scars on my face, I hate fighting. I'm not one to get in trouble in general, so I was surprised to run into one on my first day. But this guy, in his dreadful knitted sweater and with his cheeky comments, managed to bring out a new side of me.

I'm pretty sure he could make even the Dalai Lama lose his temper.

I was the first in the classroom, so I slouched to my desk and sank on the seat. Dad had a few principles and one of those was to always be on time. So, there I was, a good fifteen minutes before the first students started to flow in the classroom.

The dreadful knitted sweater guy was wearing a black turtleneck sweater and wide-leg pants this time. He walked, no, skipped, to his desk while the other guy followed grudgingly in his footsteps.

The dreadful knitted sweater guy's clothes were all new and shiny, but his friend was wearing holey sneakers and intact but worn looking clothes. Maybe he was one of those kids who buys all their clothes second hand? I could understand the scowl on his face if he were an environmentalist, because the state of the environment was nothing to smile about.

"So, let's start with the five basic methods of printmaking. The first one is called intaglio, which means.." The teacher went right to the business, showing pictures from the projected image on the wall.

I still have no idea what got into me when I suggested that bet, but I know one thing: he wasn't supposed to say yes to it. I had just wanted to shut him up, to make him believe I had nothing against gays. I mean, how was I supposed to know his friend was gay? Was it really written all over him?

"..the ink lies below the plate and the image is pressed on the paper under pressure.."

My eyes drilled into the guy, soaking in every detail. The dark curly locks, which had fallen from the bun, curtained his face. He made an effort to tuck them behind his ear over and over again, growing more frustrated each time.

His skin was milky white, pale like it had never seen the sun. Maybe he was one of those kids who dressed in all black and had questionable rituals in their grandma's attic?

"The second is called relief printmaking and it is done by.."

Perhaps we could just brush the entire bet under the carpet? It wasn't like either of us was going to fall for each other anyway, so betting on it made zero sense. It had been just a joke, so it was possible he had forgotten all about it already.

"Yoohoo, X?" Wilder snapped me back to reality by throwing an eraser on my cheek. When it bounced harmlessly on the floor, I turned to glare at him.

Only then I realized everyone's eyes were on me. While I had been foolishly staring at the guy, he must have been staring straight back at me. At least now he was narrowing his eyes at me and scowling.

Always scowling.

"I asked if you were done ogling your friend or if you'd maybe want to move to sit closer to him?" The teacher asked. I decided I didn't like him all that much, for making me seem like a fool in front of everyone..

..and him.

I didn't know what to call him. The ponytail boy? Mr. Know-it-all?

"I can keep ogling from here, thank you very much." I gave the teacher a falsely sweet smile. So, here's the thing: I do not seek fights or drama, but I always need to have the last word. I don't like giving an attitude, but if someone gives me an attitude first, I'm going to return the favor.

"Very well, then. I hope you are enjoying the view." The teacher either didn't notice my mockery or he found it funny, as he gave me a crooked smile and turned back to face the projected image.

I was about to say more, but Wilder stopped me with a kick on my leg under the desk. He mouthed: "Stop making things weird." I let it go, and the teacher went back to teaching about the printmaking methods. I decided to play it safe by listening to the rest of the lecture.

And it was all going according to a plan, until someone blocked my way out of the classroom after the class. He wasn't scowling then, but he didn't exactly look happy either.

"Someone's already losing the bet, huh?" He lifted an eyebrow, a smirk on his lips. I glanced over his shoulder to see Wilder talking with Noah by the lockers, not yet noticing I hadn't followed after them. The dreadful knitted sweater guy was leaning against a wall, his eyes on me.

"Oh, no, we're just getting started." I wanted to facepalm myself, for failing to leave his remark alone. All my plans about ending the bet were gone with the wind the moment he had opened his mouth. "I was just wondering what I'll get when I win the bet.."

Oh my god, shut your mouth.

"..and what we should call the bet." I drone on. The guy gave me this wait-you-are-serious gaze, before crossing his arms over his chest.

Okay, that's it, walk away.

"How about NO Love Club?" And the words just kept coming.

"This is ridiculous." The guy pointed out, but then shrugged his shoulders as if to say: well, what the hell. He held out his hand and smirked: "Welcome to NO Love Club. I am Cole, I thought you should know that before you will go and fall head over heels for me."

I knew what I was going to call him.

"I'm X." His eyebrows shot up at that, like something about it surprised him.

"What kind of name is that supposed to be?" He asked, making a face.


I was going to call him a nuisance.


Question of the day:
What is your favorite song atm?

(Me: It changes all the time, but today it is Danny Nedelko by IDLES.)


I'm aware that the beginning of this story might seem cringey/forced, but I promise it'll get better. :)

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